
Who the hell let Alex Jones out of the grays? Investigate? 

The Jets would draft a point guard.


In Soviet Russia, Escalator walks you. 

That escalated quickly! 

At least they didn’t give Nate Solder a massive contract in a rebuilding year. That would be really stupid!

I don’t know if Apple was rotten; he might have just been bruised up.

More like rushin’ soccer fans, amir-

Uh, no.

This is a faked story clearly dreamt up by Communist Clinton and Overspend Obama to hurt Republicans in the midterms!” - My dad, more than likely

Just some passionate, patriotic individuals. People who love their nation. Nationalists, I believe they’re called.

GOP: Let’s immediately begin an investigation into Hillary Clinton sending a bomb to herself!

“That’s okay, I brought my own. Today it’s Fruit Roll-Ups!”

hillary lost. barack is done.

That cold clammy feeling of inevitability.

Clearly there are very fine people on both sides

I’ve already seen comments claiming that this must be a plot by the Democrats to drum up fear of the GOP, and that they mailed them to themselves.

I bet they use their first pick next year to get a tight end or something.

Apple is a real Crab

I sincerely believe he keeps on doing it just to make a name for himself outside of his rapist uncle, Bill Crosby.