I dunno, I was looking forward to the insights only players can offer to questions such as "Why do you suck so hard?" And "Seriously, how can one team suck so badly?"
I dunno, I was looking forward to the insights only players can offer to questions such as "Why do you suck so hard?" And "Seriously, how can one team suck so badly?"
So he could get hit by a bus. I just fucking said that
The flattened man is eventually able to come to his feet.
Man, if only they’d started talking about voter fraud or the migrant caravan instead of their shitty football teams, they’d probably be the best of friends.
Brett Kavanaugh is probably gonna need a publicist...
I like pleasure spiked with pain and getting tossed from Lakers games.
He tried to scalp them, but he got stopped by a lady cop in her automobile.
Are they sure they didn’t mishear Kiedis shout “Suck My Kiss” and he simply didn’t realize that noone on the Lakers would be old enough to get the reference?
You have 17 years to craft a public statement and that’s what you come up with?
In February, Carruth said he wanted to be a father to his sonwhen he was released from prison.
I, for one, can’t wait for him to get on Twitter/Facebook. The accessibility of social media is going to be a really cool thing for him to experience. So cool that he becomes addicted and crosses the street, while staring at his phone, and gets hit by a bus.
He has season tickets, too, but he plans to give them away now.
He seems surprised that “there is so much hate and negativity toward [him].” I wonder if it has anything to do with him paying someone to murder the mother of his child?
Flea became Ed Harris so gradually I didn't even notice.
Anthony Kiedis is really trying to go for the Uncle Rico look.
That’s a cool Sonny Bono Halloween costume, bro.
What a load of bull moose.
It was so much fun listening to Smoltz and Buck act like Counsell was a genius for using his closer in the third inning, then slowly realize that he’d wasted his fucking closer in the third fucking inning. You just KNOW Buck was on the edge of an aneurysm when Puig flipped his bat and crotch chopped his way around the…
Go Dodgers?