If you think the way they got Manny Machado to fit into a Yankees uniform is disturbing you should see how they get one to fit on CC Sabathia.
If you think the way they got Manny Machado to fit into a Yankees uniform is disturbing you should see how they get one to fit on CC Sabathia.
Wait a damn minute...... I was led to believe all major sports organizations and their officials hate Boston, and look to screw them over in any situation.
And let’s not forget how bad the attendance numbers look once you account for the fact that Philip Rivers’ family is responsible for filling half of the seats.
Eh, Machado about nothing, if you ask me.
That seems pretty far to go to steal some valor.
October 14: I regret the post and respect everyone’s views & fundamental right to express them.
Was anyone else curious about the unnamed “brother-in-law” that she used as a human shield in her announcement?
It was surprisingly hard to google him because she’s apparently been married 4 times. It turns out that it’s her current husband’s brother who died in a training accident over a decade before she met her…
If I could turn back time...
I didn’t see that the joke until it was too late, and then splat.
True to form, Bono’s statement just showed up on my iPhone without me even wanting it.
Just five days—and two of those days were weekend days—after her appointment as interim president and CEO of USA Gymnastics was announce...
Cher would never have done this.
As a non-hockey fan, two games seems really light, regardless of the injury.
I hear ya. I interviewed for your job after you got fired. I kept talking about how I went to Yale and REALLY like beer. I also cried a lot because that seems to be the way to guarantee employment these days.
The NHL has been like this for decades. That stupid 4 minutes for a high sticking penalty if you bleed is an example. If its a penalty its a penalty whether dude gets hurt or not.
Mike from marketing is such a jabroni.
Two games is a joke. The NHL should embrace the young talented stars they have and protect them from foolishness like this. WWE is already on TV twice a week, this stuff isn’t necessary in the NHL
Boy, am I in the wrong profession. When I choke slammed Mike in marketing I got fired-
Good one! Nailed him! Way to own the libs, bro.