
+1 hanging chad

And he won the popular vote!

If I were Don Jr. I’d be far less concerned about Kavanaugh and more worried about the fact that, based on how stupid he is and how sloppy he was with so many of his interactions with the Russians, any day now Mueller is going to drop the hammer on his chinless ass and he’s going to have Michelin imprinted on his

You create a burner just to criticize people who are disappointed that the bombing of churches wasn’t acknowledged by current administration? To quote your other comments, you are the one who needs to find jesus, Ann08.

You're the exact stereotype, lol.

I drove by the church yesterday on my way home from work, as I do most days. I didn’t even realize it was the anniversary. There were no activities, no crowd of commemorators was gathered. There were no other cars on the road, because it was a Saturday, and downtown Birmingham is always quiet on the weekend (the

I had no idea about the two young men murdered in the aftermath.

You’ve got to be kidding me. This isn’t surprising, this isn’t news, this is how this mfer does things. He’s made everything about himself since the day that I learned Donald Trump was a thing that existed. Predictably boring, narcissitic tweet by a delusional, boring, racist, know nothing lout who just so happens to

Cuomo was sitting pretty on a $30 million campaign war chest at the beginning of the year.

It’s been getting pretty much worse and worse since they nailed me to a cross.

What a perfect time for Betsy DeVos to be trying to make it harder to investigate and prosecute sexual harassment and assault on college campuses. a professor myself, I am beyond disgusted by this. Shit happens at universities all the time, and too often, it gets swept under the rug. DeVos is working on making

Don’t you dare talk bad about are troops or I’ll go set my shoes on fire. 

MARYLAND PLAYER: Officer, our coaches just murdered one of my teammates!

According to 9 out of 10 Trump voters, Obama both ended AND created racism. Which is impressive.

Plaintiff Erika and her friends went to the Michigan State University police department and reported the rape. The police told them that since she was an athlete, she had to report it to the athletic department. The detective explicitly told them that he was powerless to investigate anything that takes place to the

Jesus how does this story keep getting worse????? 

“everyone’s too PC these days!

Jesus. How shitty of a human being do you have to be to be put in charge of something and say, “My top priority is making things easier for rapists. There’s other stuff too, but enabling sexual assault is Priority One around here.”


“unwelcome conduct on the basis of sex that is so severe, pervasive and objectively offensive that it denies a person access to the school’s education program or activity.”