
A frayed knot.

Who could forget?  I remain a girther to this very day.

“He seems smart” wasn’t exactly what people told me. If I was stuck listening to a Trump supporter, it was usually, “Isn’t it refreshing that he doesn’t speak like a politician?” Or that he’s “more like me”. Note that smart or experience wasn’t a consideration.

Christ, there are actual grubby hand prints on her upper arm. Ugh.

Very few thought “he seems smart.”  Most thought, “fuck Hillary Clinton.”

There’s a lot more detail coming out in the comments in the Reddit thread about this (the person who posted the thread claims to know some inside info), but apparently her keys were still in the door after she shot him, and two neighbors say she was knocking on the door for some time demanding that he open it. So it

holy sheepshit, no wonder he thinks Flyers are a threat

This. No more quotes in books or anonymous op/eds. If the people inside the White House recognize Trump is this unfit, then it’s time for them to go full 25th Amendment. I don’t particularity like the idea of President Pence but at least he’s unlikely to poop in his hand and throw it at some other world leader.

Correct - that is an actual Constitutional crisis.

Thank you! Having anonymous bureaucrats secretly running the executive branch is not exactly avoiding a constitutional crisis.

It’s like how the Electoral College was invented to prevent a Trump presidency and yet wasn’t used correctly, also under the guise of a “constitutional crisis”. What good are the safeguards in the document if we’re too afraid to invoke them?

......... you’re going to have to be waaaaayyyyyy more specific there.

In my perfect fantasy future, Nuremberg-like trials are held and everyone in the administration and most of the congressional GOP leadership are thrown in prison.

I like that this dickshit says no one wants to cause a Constitutional crisis by invoking the 25th when that would be the exact fucking opposite of a Constitutional crisis, since it’s a specific Constitutional remedy for this exact fucking situation.  Fuck this coward who wants to think this will save him/her.

On the one hand: “I work on the Death Star, but I am working diligently from within to frustrate parts of Grand Moff Tarkin’s agenda.”

It’s not the free part that makes me laugh.  It’s the fact they claim they have minds.

Invoking the 25th Amendment to remove Trump should in no way absolve him and the conspirators he is surrounded with from the crimes, possibly even treason, that they have committed.

ideals long espoused by conservatives: free minds, free markets and free people.

Mmm. That’s good kinja.

Chik-Fil-A one hundred times more overrated over Shake Shack. It’s a fucking FRIED CHICKEN CUTLET.