Currently soiling my Nike boxer briefs to own the libs.
Currently soiling my Nike boxer briefs to own the libs.
When America sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing crime, they’re bringing drugs, they’re Roseanne...
I went to a Pirates-Phillies game on the Fourth of July in 2014 and McCutchen was about two feet from hitting for the cycle. It was impossible not to enjoy watching him play. Christ, even the notoriously racist Pittsburgh fans (just listen to the dogwhistling any time Mike Tomlin comes up) made a pretty-universal…
Could be worse. He could be going to the red sox or dodgers or cubs. All three more vile than the yankees.
[takes a hit of meth]
Jesus fuck. I’ve seen this shirt for more than 30 years and never noticed the double negative. Being a Steelers fan actively makes me a dumber and worse person.
Re: “If you ain’t a Steeler fan, you ain’t shit” shirts.
Society is bad. FTFY.
I love that fanbases get upset about weed.
It’s like they took everything bad about the NFL and boiled it down and then poured it into a big fat mold and THIS asshole is what popped out of it.
“scrabbling to make the playoffs”
I think it’s funny (DIGGS!) that you pushed this joke so far (SIDELINE!) that it genuinely upset Saints fan (TOUCHDOWN!). They want to fight you (UNBELIEVABLE!).
My parents couldn’t stop me and neither can you.
I’m happily married, thank you.
No need, I can add on! Sex boat, Whizzinator, “kickass” offense, whipping a kid’s scrotum with a tree branch, straight cash homey, a Wario-esque owner who defrauded his partners and had to pay an $84.5 million judgment, the list continues. I fully expect Drew to be even more savage to the Vikings than any other team.
Um, 38-7. And, “This is not Detroit, man! This is the Super Bowl!” And missed 39-yd FG after not missing one in 2 seasons. And 41-0. Need I continue?
Yeah, he overdid it a bit. All I can ask for (38-7) is that he keeps the same enthusiasm (38-7) for when his Vikings (38-7) come up shortly (38-7).
That’s just your opinion, man. And you know what they say about opinions:
But let’s not forget the man who gave his life in opposition of that.
“Drunk racists with guns.”