
Oh look, a white planet with a surface that look like snow on Hoth. BUT IT’S NOT SNOW, IT’S SALT!
Oh look, the good guys are being pursued by the bad guys like in Empire Strikes Back BUT THEY ARE A WHOLE FLEET AND MOVING REALLY REALLY SLOW
Oh look, a fancy place that kinda look like a snazzier Bespin. BUT IT’S NOT A

that’s not irony. that’s just bad taste.

What I don’t get is the polarization on this movie. It was neither as great as all its defenders claim, nor as horrible as the neckbeards claim. It was pretty good in large chunks while it had some extremely questionable plot/writing decisions in other areas. Everything with Luke/Rey/Kylo worked, and almost everything

You know, some people also didn’t like The Last Jedi because it’s a structurally questionable movie with some bad writing and underdeveloped (or underused) characters.

Thank you. Now that they’re in San Fran at only 5.3 million Boogie is probably going to have to sleep on Curry’s couch.

She could, but the property values were super low when she moved into that part of Oakland...

I think I just found my future ex-wife.

Is this a joke? 6 teams won 28 of the 30 championships in the 80s, 90s, and 00s. What is David Stern gonna do, force Cousins to take a bigger contract?

Fuck. Now the Knicks have no chance to win the title!

This Warriors fan is ready to Boogie.

Somewhere Tom Seaver laughs.

Yes I do lol!

“So, naturally, when you pair him with a woman old enough to be his mother (or really sexy auntie) and have them make out in front of you over several episodes, Rossi makes you feel every bit of it.

This burn is a burn that needs to be witnesses and testified to.

What is the difference between saying “white people need to do more about racism” and saying “muslims need to do more about terrorism”?

Realize that for every decent person giving him a pat on the back, there's a good ol' boy putting a target on his back. And yes, as a black person you live with that every day, but this guy had to choose to step from safety into the line of fire. That's no small thing.

Reading is essential, Terry. He didn’t ask for your applause. 


“Fired” from a “job” as a multilevel marketing company “independent consultant.”  This is hilarious.

If she is an independent contractor, that means she sells that junk on facebook right?