Talk about a misread....
Talk about a misread....
Wow, gun violence AND an assault on a free press all in one? It’s like the conservative dream.
Civility benefits the oppressor, not the oppressed. And in America, those are the two sides - there’s no middle there. Either you are wholeheartedly endorsing state sanctioned kidnapping at the border or you absolutely against it...if there are truly people in America who are not educated enough in the particulars to…
If someone doesn’t have an actual position by now on whether the stuff Trump’s been doing as president is ok or not, I’m sorry, but they’re part of a bunch of morons. Is it helpful to say that? Maybe not, but then what is helpful? If someone just chooses to go through their entire life utterly oblivious to current…
Civility isn’t for losers.
The seniors watching Fox News consider any senior that requires support as not being worthy of remaining alive.
That’s not been proven by Fox’s scientists yet.
Wtf. Puerto Rico is PART OF OUR COUNTRY. Women are HUMAN BEINGS.
Considering one of his “negatives” is supporting seniors...I’d assume “increased soylent green production” would be among them.
Sean Hannity telling FOX News’ primarily senior viewership that Democrats running on a platform of “supporting seniors” is a bad thing seems like pointing a shotgun at your foot and shouting for everyone to watch what happens next.
I would love to see the bullet points of his ideal political platform.
Civility now civility forever!
Or perhaps that the Democratic Party itself isn’t committed to this platform?
There’s got to be a breazy common-ground centrist take on this. It’s not like the agents were wearing jackboots so anything relating to nazism would be over the line.
“Supporting seniors is bad!” says old man.
Ohhhhh solidarity with Puerto Rico! Women’s rights! So eeeeeevvvviiiillllll.
I’m not sure what’s more sad. The fact that he is so detached from reality that he thinks every single bullet point on that list is negative, or that millions of Americans will nod along and agree.
Misogynistic Slur 7:1
Times have changed. Five years ago, nobody ever hears about this comment, or if they do, nobody gives a shit. Or at least not enough of a shit to have him lose his job. Maybe a tepid apology.