
So he should have just stopped running? Stood up and in line with the throw to first?

What the fuck would a Met know about playing anything the right way?


Unnecessary? Maybe. Stat padding? Is it easier to steal a base when you have a 7 run lead than when you have a 1 run lead? Still 90 feet and a professional catcher behind the plate, right? I guess if the down team has quit, maybe it is.  But then, what’s the beef about?  I kept playing when you quit?  Come on, there’s


Or, evidently, a runner on first.

Nothing says “You don’t know the right way to win” like a guy with an ERA of 5.00 on a team one win below .500, mouthing off immediately after winning a game.

He didn’t hit him because bases were loaded and it was a one run game. Not even Romo is that stupid. If this was a blow out he definitely would have hit him. 

When the only thing in your life you’ve ever been good at, and you’re REALLY good at it, you don’t have much time to actually grow and learn as a person. So most of these guys are 14 year olds emotionally.  

Kyle Farnsworth’s spear of Paul Wilson says hello:

WTF is with baseball players getting mad at opposing baseball players for doing baseball stuff??

Not sure why but all that gif makes me want to do is watch Cypress Hill’s ‘Insane in the Membrane’ video.

Things Romo can hold:
1. A grudge.

Even worse is putting SR. on a jersey.  You get two extra letters just because you couldn’t think of a name for your kid?

In 2018, it’s less OK to put MD on your jersey than to put an offensive caricature of a Native American. Or to be a Jets fan.

seems topical: why do we put JR on jerseys?

“He Hate Me M.D.”

or ICOGNITO. We know you are there, idiot.

And yet the NFL is OK with obscenities like “GABBERT” and “OSWEILER”