Ben von Sück

Anybody who walked through Gerudo Town without something awakening in them is dead inside. 


How was Doom on the Switch? Thinking about picking it up and that’s my only console. Decent port?


At first glance I thought that was the tail end of the robo dog. Bad dogs bend at the waist, apparently...

Am I correct in thinking you can’t put a clearcoat over this without ruining the effect? It’s nice right up until the first time you wash it...

Been running into the same issue with L.A. Noire. I love all the fluffy background, costumes, acting, etc, but over a lifetime of playing GTA, I can’t bear the driving between every single cutscene. Just had to commit to powering through it. MAP> OBJECTIVE > FASTEST ROUTE. 

The first playthrough is to get the newbies out of the way. Master Mode is probably more your speed. I’m a casual gamer and this is the only game I ever played that warranted a second playthrough. Bokoblins who can one-hit-kill you really reinforce parrying!

Is there going to be a better version of PSVR for the PS5? I’m like, THIS close to finally taking the plunge on VR, solely for Squadrons. 

As a Nintendo fanboy, I didn’t get a single one of these references, but it sounds like fun and I’m glad the Distinguished Competition has something so charming to start off with. Enjoy!

Why isn’t it turning into a hideous bear-teenager morph?! I’m going on AOL to complain. It’ll be posted 45 minutes from now. 

Zelda’s voice is now Hank Hill’s in my headcanon, so thank you for that. “I deal in guardians and guardian accessories.” 

As the kids on the internet might have said in 2018, this fucks”

Psst... Nintendo... your NES fanbase is in their 40's now... we’ve all seen AT LEAST one boobie by now

Turns out gameplay is everything, who knew?

I previously thought of myself as straight, until I watched Zabka in Cobra Kai.

Now playing

Apparently none of you heathens has seen the movie “Role Models” starring Paul Rudd and Stifler, and your lives are poorer for it:

Dee Snyder was at the forefront of the battle against government intrusion in the music industry, at one point going head-to-head with Tipper Gore in a congressional hearing and utterly kicking her ass in a debate, with logic and grace.