Please don’t show us the video of how they can afford to make it so cheaply... I don’t want to see the kids in the sweat shop.
I’m here from 2020 to tell you that Rogue Leader is best, and also FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON’T LIVE TO SEE 2020!!!
I still say it should’ve been “LuWAAHgi.”
You deserve more praise for that excellent acronym.
Thank you for reminding me about how amazing Lil’ Kim is. How Many Licks, indeed.
No mention of the ongoing propaganda war to convince Southerners that it WASN’T about slavery? Attempting, and honestly, succeeding so completely in their heinous goals is worth discussing.
Great idea. Similar to “whoever cuts the cupcake, the other one picks which half they get.” Forces them to be meticulous about equal halves, or they get the smaller. Simple!
Can we get Morgan Freeman or Sam Jackson to record their version of this rant?
Hear hear!
Metal Mario needs to have a HEAVY METAL cover of the original tunes playing. And while I can appreciate the technical work, I feel like these games need a complete visual overhaul rather than just an HD upgrade.
This is what you are doing right now:
The pure love put into this game makes me want them to go back and redo MK9 and 10 with the new graphics engine and voice actors. It has improved so much in a couple years it’s amazing.
He did! She doesn’t talk AT ALL in this mode, despite being in a couple minutes of the story. I think they got the hint.
Speak for yourself, douchebag
And BOY, are their arms TIRED!
Thing looks like a Halo weapon.
Thing looks like a Halo weapon.