Ben von Sück

I doubt he legally changed it, just a “work name,” but agreed. The guy who did the special edition D&D 5E covers does BEAUTIFUL work, but goes by “Hydro75.” Like in a list of contributors to a book, there’s 50 REAL names and then THAT. Yuck. I had to look up his web site to figure out his real name is Benjamin. Bet he

Real question is, does it work on cereal? #denniswasright

Can confirm this will fly under the radar, if that’s your intent: It took THIS soup cookie a good half a minute to figure this out. Most of us won’t put in the effort.

Breath of the Wild is a masterpiece. The first 20 hours take some getting used to if you’re a purist. I’m probably 100 hours in, have beat the end boss already, and I’m still loving playing every chance I get. 

With the infrastructure the way it is, you’re not far off the mark...

Looks at headline: “Uh... are you... OKAY?”

Looks at headline: “Uh... are you... OKAY?”

Can’t fool me, I know a LEGO bike when I see one.

You must be fun at parties. Haha, who’re we kidding, you don’t have any friends. 

Pics or it didn’t happen!

Sooooo... Komplete Edition’s coming soon? Is it too much to hope they fix some of the “optimization” issues on the Switch?

Sooooo... Komplete Edition’s coming soon? Is it too much to hope they fix some of the “optimization” issues on the


Yeah, ‘Shell the Mermaid from DQ11 got me. I was like, “the story’s not over, right? They’re not gonna end it like THAT, RIGHT?!” Well done.

Thanks for the homework, Michael, and everyone else who contributed. Compiling my reading list now.

Maybe just some force-feedback for guns, but gun people would decry that it’s not accurate, and mothers would be afraid of the ramifications...

ROGUE SQUADRON andtoalesserextentRogueLeader

I’m three minutes in, and the video hasn’t even really started yet, and yet I’m beaming ear-to-ear. Not since Charlie Chaplin has bumbling around been so endearing. Can we go out for a beer sometime, Tim? SomeTIM, even? Or maybe sake, I guess, I dunno. Are you burnt out on sake?