
I am forced to offer repeats:

Take a bow, Justified! It started for me back at the premiere as a "Well, I need a show to watch, I guess" sort of thing and ended as one of my all-time favorites. Speaking of the end, of all the ways I thought it would wrap up I don't think "everybody lives and it includes a four-year jump in the last 15 minutes" was

That is a great point about Abe's ability to blend in, and I think the show (or the character, at least) would be far better off if they could establish some sort of baseline for his personality, as it would make the shifts he is forced to make all the more impactful. At the moment there is just no tension with

I just re-watched the episode…if the line "If it wasn't heavy, it wouldn't stop a sword. Now get it up" doesn't make it into the inevitable Game Of Bones porn parody, well, I quit.

I do enjoy this show, in the same way I enjoy Hell On Wheels…perfectly watchable and entertaining, just not appointment television. Although I have to say that Turn, more than any other show I can care to think of, is the absolute embodiment of "sum of the parts are greater than the whole". Great actors, great sets,

I am 100% Team Stannis. I mean, sure, you need to look beyond the whole human bonfire thing, but he is the only supposed king who did anything about the problems at The Wall, and agree or disagree with his opinions he is at least consistent and follows through with what he says. He is the Brian Boitano of Westeros.

One of us, one of us…

#3 is awesome…the disparate characters, and the overall plot, all fall into their respective places. Can't wait for the next installment.

It is remarkable, isn't it? As tense as the show can be at times, when you are "in" that position it really cranks it up a notch or seven. The latest episode (3) was fantastic…unlike their Walking Dead game it isn't better than the show, but it is damn good all the same.

A fair point! I am hoping he shows up eventually, though…if only to close the loop that was their scheming way back in the first season. It is one of those loose, seemingly throwaway threads that really set everything else in motion.

I always thought Jon Snow's entry in to the Wildling camp at the end of last season echoed Hawkeye's entry into the enemy camp near the end of Last Of The Mohicans (with a little less slicing and punching), so I approve this comment.

Yay! My favorite show is back. I am also drunk. Thoughts, such as they are:

I honestly can't remember anything of consequence…some of the post-mission reports would sound rather important (ie someone is either very thankful/very mad at you) but if it reached beyond that I don't recall. My first playthrough was around 110 hours or so, and that was a LOT of war table missions. I will say that

I just want to point out that you can "fail" war table quests…some of them involve a chain of several missions, and if you select the wrong agent for any of them the chain breaks. These are the exception, however. Others may net better rewards depending on whom you select.

Wasn't that put back in the Blu-Ray version? I have so many different editions of this film I get them confused. I'll be watching it again tonight in any event.

Make watching the Blu-Ray a priority! While there is still room for a more thorough restoration you won't see a better version of the film, short of a pristine 35mm print.

Agreed. Noonan by a mile. Fiennes did the bodybuilder aspect better of course but the way Noonan carried himself was a thousand times creepier. If he showed up on my front porch with one of those giant oversized novelty checks for eleventy billion dollars I wouldn't open the door.

I love everything about this film, including the soundtrack. Fits the mood perfectly, and I don't buy the "dated" argument at all (I actually hardly ever buy that argument…things looking/sounding like the time they were made? Good). If you were slow-motion running around a neon-lit city at night, in 1986, this was

It has.

Not sure which version is on Netflix, but the most notable difference was the addition of the "dockside" scene right after the opening heist/before Caan's first appearance at the car lot. If you didn't see that scene it was the theatrical cut.

Beyond that, the first directors cut (original LD/DVD) changed some scene