Straw Man

The fundamental issue (which was touched on) is that there’s fundamentally no chemistry with the crew. Trek always works best as an ensemble; TNG got good when viewers (and writers) got a feel for each of the leads and knew how to “paint” a good story using each.

Might have undercut the moment, maybe you should have thought more about other moments in the film!

It was definitely metal, but that does not mean it has got to be magnetic.

‘Superstar’ Director??? Really?? Well I suppose Trevorrow and Bay are ‘Superstar’ Directors too....

The iron and steam visual joke was Space Balls level of humor.

So much this. The Marvel Effect was in full force for The Last Jedi.

I mean he undercut almost every other serious moment with a joke so what’s one more?

We get it Rian, you’re a troll. Can you just shut up already?

I always assumed it had just had the flesh stripped from, Terminator style, and he just never bothered to re-skin it.

Yeah, but sales have declined a metric ton since then. Even Marvel’s flagship characters aren’t selling comics like they used to. So they can’t just keep a series going and hope it turns around anymore.

Back when they had more leeway, keeping a few stinkers around made sense. Occasionally somebody creative would turn

For one, I am black and said “white and black” fanboys.

More like, all the representation in the world won’t make up for a poorly written story..

I’m not white, and I didn’t even say anything negative about the character. Again, your rage reeks of unresolved issues you may have with straight people, or white people, or something else. Do yourself a favor and seek help with that.

You’re projecting so much I want to hire you for my home theater.

I’m sure the fact that almost all of these were horrifically bad had NOTHING at all to do with this. Nope, nothing at all. 9_9

Hmmm, it’s almost like all the internet outrage and screaming about representation is started by people who don’t- and have no intention- of ever actually reading comic books. And the comics companies are reacting to actual sales data. How weird.

Shouting from the rafters for something, not supporting it when it actually happens, but bitching about it to no end when it fails due to lack of support.

It’s hard to have patience when a book from a top tier publisher sells less than some independent books. At the end of the day books live or die on their sales.

20+ issues would be nearly two years or more of a title being on a market. If a title isn’t on a clear path to profitability by that point, there’s no reason to think it’s suddenly going to start picking up if it’s given more time.

Once again you have people shouting from the rafters for something then not supporting it when it actually happens.