Straw Man

THR reports a fourth film in the xXx franchise is now in development with Vin Diesel and The H Collective.

I think the commonly-held interpretation of that story was way too simplistic. A lot of people tend to overlook, though, that even in Infinity Gauntlet, he was still killing half of all life because he believed that was best for the universe (he fancied himself an environmentalist, as he explained to the Silver Surfer

*Pushes up glasses* That would be Teela, not She-Ra in the image above.

And most importantly, is he still trying to date the personification of Death?

Hell no, its completely shit. Watch “The Orville” instead

Everyone who told me this wouldn’t happen can eat my whole time traveling ass

The supernova destroyed Romulus the planet, not the entire empire. I think a race so advanced could still recover from the destruction of their homeplanet... he’ll, it’d be a nice set up for a new series having to cope with a Romulan Empire in disarray and full of faction trying to take power.

It’s just another indication to me that this series should been set post-Voyager, then they could just do whatever they wanted without constraints regarding TOS designs.

“After Enterprise, properties of Star Trek ownership changed hands and was divided,, so what was able to cross TV shows up to that point changed and a lot of the crossover was no longer allowed,” he said. “That is why when JJ [Abrams]’s movie came along everything had to be different.

Or, they could have just not used the Enterprise....

He features in about 10% of the trailers length, the unquestionable star is Solo

Agreed. Plus it makes for some good jokes when someone translates what he’s saying and it’s unexpected.

Despite the fundamental crime of never giving him subtitles

io9's a child of gawker, through and through. It’d be fitting if it finally bit it thanks to Stan Lee’s estate pulling a Hulk Hogan.

It’s early but what’s been released looks like ass. I couldn’t state it more plainly.

Yeah, it’s early so I’m not gonna hate on it until I see the final product, but so far the casting alone has left me cold. Their Robin looks like he’s about 30 (which he is), Raven doesn’t look like she has any of the intensity of her comic counterpart, and whatever style choices they’re making for StarFire are just

Yeah, Along with the twin disappointments of BB not being Green and Starfire not being orange, that outfit (And Raven’s look) really lower my expectations for this show. On the other hand, BB’s costume looks pretty good. Maybe they’ll surprise us yet. If not, well, there’s always the rumors of Tean Titan’s returning

Recent set pics have given us our first looks at Beast Boy, Raven, and Starfire.

Anna Diop looks like a hooker in that costume.

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