Straw Man

Slott on Iron Man, Waid on Captain America, Stohl on Captain Marvel, Spencer on ASM.....oh wow Marvel is really making changes. Hard Pass for 2018 Marvel.

The story reads to me like a groupie dissatisfied she was treated like a groupie.

The problem I have with this scene isn’t what Leia did, but that other Force users haven’t done it. Mace Windu was incredibly powerful and had decades of training - wouldn’t he have grabbed onto something on his way out of Palpatine’s window? Pulled himself onto a balcony or a platform? Getting splattered like a

I’m not sure how that solves the problem of the first time we see her manifest her powers being her saving herself and nobody else, as opposed to basically everything that happened around her in A New Hope and The Empire Strikes back. It’s especially noticeable when the director compares it to saving a toddler.

Three issues: First having her first use of the force in the long saga be completely self-serving is kind of weak, especially when other characters’ big uses have largely been motivated by interpersonal or geopolitical factors. Next is that there really wasn’t any narrative point or purpose to the scene, as she

I love way folks resort to name calling of those who don’t agree with them. You’re a classic example of a “fan”. Kudos.

Yeah, well the last thing I wanted from The Last Jedi was an angsty version of The Empire Strikes Back but look at what I got.

“Luke’s traumatic journey inspired him to cut himself off from the Force altogether

I wonder if Rian sent JJ a fruit basket after he gutted The Force Awakens.

Your comment doesn’t make complete sense. Of course the older films made up the rules as they went...they were creating what it meant to be “Star Wars”. But eventually all those rules that were being made up on the fly solidify into something. Kinda like a sport. At some point, they made up the rules of basketball as

Would you like to use your brain when consuming media or are you just fine watching ships get silently split in half

Couldn’t he also asked him to not put Luke in Jedi looking robes if he was done with the Jedi, or to not have Luke look like he actually cared about his fathers light-saber?

EDIT: fuck you, Kinja.


Oh, brother... it truly lives down to my expectations.

I really don’t buy that Marvel is a “formulaic universe”. I think you’re going to have to do quite a bit of work to sell me on the idea that Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Thor: Ragnarok share a “house style”. Certainly I think that in the wake of Guardians of the Galaxy’s success, the movies gravitated in

I don’t agree. I think Fox has produced a couple of great more recent films - Deadpool, Logan - with the X-Men and mutants. The rest have been (at best) okay, especially when you consider the vast stable of mutant characters, various storylines and power sets that could have been utilized. I think even Marvel Disney’s

All I care about is Doom being the big bad of Phase 5, Galactus being the big bad of Phase 6, and the Phoenix being the big bad of Phase 7. Beyond that, whatever.