Straw Man

immaturity is being upset over little things. grow up child.

I’m sure we white people can find plenty of times a product produced in China misrepresented a white pop culture character, but I doubt we’ll find to many people crying about it.    

oh my god. enough. this culture of being offended and puling about it online until people get what they want is fucking ridiculous. it is a fucking pin. get the fuck over it.

why what race people (or hell, depictions of people) are is so important to other people (including the author of this godawful piece) is beyond me

If a black person wants to cosplay a white character, that’s diverse and progressive. If a white person wants to cosplay a black character, that’s racist and whoever does it better be prepared for the consequences. Sad, but that’s the state of the world we live in.

Just sayin’, not a “gritty reboot with deep shadows and broken characters” is a REALLY nice breath of fresh air. :)

It was the same, Luke saw the Rey-Kylo projection clear as day in the hut. That was where he got the idea from. And we get that it’s takes up a lot of energy, hence the collapse. No need for him to die because of it though, with him being a Skywalker-bloodline Jedi Master and saving up the necessary mana living like a

It’s a good thing he stopped to give Leia those fake, projected dice, given that the exertion was apparently killing him. Seems like if the Cruiser had gone out of it’s way to get KFC drive thru while running out of gas in front of Snoke’s ship, but hey, it was great for the fans watching in the theater.

Exactly how I feel. It felt like a lame mark on a check list, like they had to kill Luke off in this one, even though he could have been a welcome presence in the final installment of the Skywalker saga. Give him the peaceful, fading into the Force set to the Binary Sun soundtrack death he deserves... but do it in

Still no good reasons why Luke should’ve died at the end. Do the ghost trick - Brilliant. Die afterwards for no damn reason. - Lame.

Your position is essentially that without getting new characters, you can never tell new stories? That is a very silly take.

“Kasper Cole was half-black and half-white and nobody complained about that, so it looks like you have no idea what you are talking about”

Honestly why would ANYONE want a new character using the name of an established one? What is wrong with a new character?

That makes no sense.

I don’t care that they made a black Spider-Man, much like I didn’t care that they had a pig Spider-Man... what I did care about was the fact they killed off Peter Parker and replaced him with Miles Morales.

Not at all. If you watch a TV series, say Supernatural, and have loved 10 seasons of it. Then someone comes along and replaces Dean with a black woman because... reasons. Are you going to be pissed and want to keep watching or are you going to stop because its not the show you have watched and loved?

Why is that stupid? If you grew up loving and reading Peter Parker as Spiderman, why would you be obligated to read something else?

“Oh, for fuck’s sake. America Chavez is a new character, you fucking douchenozzle.”

They’re not getting the shaft. They weren’t selling. Marvel has to cut its losses. At the end of the day, it’s still a business.

Wait, you’re telling us that shoehorning women and poc characters into established roles hasn’t resulted in sunshines and rainbows for everyone? Maybe, as some of us said at the time, creating new characters would have been the way to go. Removing well loved characters to replace them with someone who ticks one or