Straw Man

And he wasn’t a “random drunk ninja.”

I don’t think it’s fair to put the drunken master fight scene from Iron Fist on the “worst” list because of metatextual concerns. Yes, it’s a frustrating reminder of what could’ve been, but that’s because it’s the single best action scene in a show that was otherwise badly lacking in that and other regards. Taken in

“It does successfully sum up how pointless his entire storyline was, though.”

The idea is that it’s showing how pointless his *life* is. It’s even in the dialog of the fight. Maul’s arc post Phantom Menace is largely about how he’s constantly trying to be a player in this universe, to get his ultimate revenge, and if

Maul uses the same attack he used on Naboo, symbolizing that he hasn’t grown or learned anything. Obi-Wan is prepared for this attack, because he spent his time in the wilderness productively. Obi-Wan, although he is the old man in the desert, has the advantage because of his age, not in spite of it.

That’s why the fight is brilliant: those stances Obi-wan takes are call-backs that are meant to lead Maul. He starts with the stance that Maul expects, the form that he took in his prime during the Clone Wars. Then he transitions to a more simple form, calling back to the one he held often as a padawan, and then

Now playing

I feel like the Obi-Wan vs. Darth Maul moment in Rebels is the best treatment of the sort of warrior Obi-Wan is in his old age. To me, the fight above perfectly bridges the prequel era and the OT era, because it pays homage to the old stories with every single moment, while also recognizing that people do change.

Logan wasn’t out for revenge. In the end he was out to make sure the children escaped. He did what he set out to do.

I don’t understand this necessity of ending movies with “justice prevails”, that is what makes films predictable and at the end, unmemorable

You may be in the minority for logans ending. Yea no one was suprised he died at the end. Didnt make it less emotional. Knew my grandma was dying for ages didnt make it any less difficult when she passed

It would obviously never happen for all the reasons cited here, but how great could a straight-up adaptation of The Gunslinger be? A hard R Peckinpah/Jodorowsky blend of minimalist character study and fever-dream hallucination. Logan, I think demonstrated there’s an audience for that kind of brutalist genre blending.

For a seven (well, eight, if you count The Wind Through the Keyhole) book series, a TV show really should be the way to go. They’ve proven they can do it, too, with Game of Thrones. All Netflix or Hulu or Amazon has to do is buy the rights.

I want a deep dive into why the media is trying to portray the negative reaction of a portion of the audience to TLJ as just being a scheme by the MRA’s and the alt-right. Why the conspiracy theories. I am starting to come up with my own conspiracy theory that Disney is actually trying to control the narrative with

Orrrr there are people who just legitimately don’t like the movie. My Star Wars gaming group is pretty split on the film and I don’t like it myself. I’ll be going back for a second viewing but it did not meet my expectations.

If this wasn’t meant to be polarizing than it’s one hell of a coincidence that the two major characters ripped the object that basically symbolizes the OT apart.

How does broom kid force move a broom. He must be the most powerful person with the force. He has no training (that we’re aware of). He must be more powerful then luke, Anakin they weren’t moving things around when they were kids I mean they were guided by the force but it took training to be

You seem to be saying that people who didn’t like the film are just trolls.

Have...have you not read the comments section on ANY Last Jedi article on these network of sites?

Can someone help with the point of this new trilogy? It’s literally just the same thing as before, with a different cast.

Especially since he changed the happy ending of ROTJ. Eventually ppl knew the OT was in the middle of a story (episode V)... this one we just skipped stuff and are just suppose to assume it’s just another sith lord gaining followers...

“At least” is the type of vague qualifier that indicates they don’t know what their own sentence means.