Straw Man

If you like not seeing anything and everything is shaky cam, if I wanted to see that, I rather watch a youtube video circa 2008 or a Jason Bourne movie.

Cloverfield was crap.

Actor Affleck is hit and miss, Director/Writter Affleck is pretty solid.

I would love to see a Ben Affleck directed Batman film as basically I want more good directors to helm these films. To me I think its clear Ben Affleck also wants this however the scripts Warners has been giving him to work with just are not up to his standards causing him to walk away. Likely the creative issues he


They need to leave Phasma dead. I was all for her making an appearance again, cause she looked cool, but after this outing she’s clearly a schmuck who’s incapable of beating one average first order trooper.

I’d like to once again point out that its poor story telling when so many things have to be explained outside the movie.

Located another Star Wars snowflake who can’t tolerate any opinion that doesn’t jive with their on.

After careful thought and reflection, I have come to the realization that The Last Jedi was in no way good enough to warrant this kind of examination.

That would make it a prequel...

Makes sense, given Snoke’s fascination with sources of dark side power.

Not a lot of stuff Marvel is doing is selling right now, so this is the inevitable fallout. They’re in a spot where years of bad decisions are starting to have to be answered for, just like DC was pre-Rebirth.

Han Solo isn’t Luke Skywalker. Even when the wisest choice was to leave his friends to their fate, Luke risked everything to rush to their aid. It was a mistake, but one made from caring too deeply about them to give them up.

The problem is: why use bombers at all. It’s stupid. Every one of those bombs could have been fitted with thrusters or the bombers remotely operated... Just launch them towards the fleet and let momentum do the rest. Why are they using tech that was already outdated in our WW2 in space? Our bombs are guided for fuck

While stylistic choices like arcing plasma shots and bombers dropping bombs in zero gravity isn’t as big of a problem as, say, pacing issues, the fact that someone can come up with an explanation doesn’t necessarily make it less dumb. Yes, fans came up with a justification for why doing the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs is

Grumpy old man here. How many more Star Wars posts do you guys have left? I can come back after the new year.

Cool, a prequel series set to destroy canon! YAYAAYAYAY! Also, you can clearly see the fucking reflection from the puddle in that trailer, meaning they already know how to turn the Stargate on before the original movie.

Lack of time is not my issue. Disney could put Rian Johnson in my living room with a three-hour long PowerPoint presentation trying to sell me on Luke abandoning his friends and I’m still not buying it.

“I don’t think you would ever buy that Lando would just completely betray the characters like that and have that level of moral ambiguity.”

But Luke Skywalker almost murdering his sleeping nephew and then abandoning his family and friends instead of trying to make amends for his mistake, that’s fine.

Yes, Lando shouldn’t have be DJ’s character. But he shoulda/coulda been the first Master Codebreaker.