Straw Man

I’m honestly curious- what new force powers were introduced in the prequels or TFA? Because people keep saying “we’ve always introduced new Force powers” but the examples always stop after RotJ. I honestly can’t think of new force powers introduced in the prequels or TFA, but I could definitely be wrong. Given that

Looks to me like virtue signalers are very vocal, but don’t buy comics....

Another case of people getting the pitchforks out for diversity and then not supporting it.

The gay Iceman character was a terrible idea. Lets create a new gay character by completely destroying and pushing down an existing character and trying to replace it. Everyone who loved iceman before will surely love the new one we replace it with! Sorry, not how it works. America Chavez didnt work because it wasnt

If the book doesn’t sell then it’ll get cancelled. Marvel isn’t a charity and profit margins in the comics industry are razor thin. It can’t afford to publish books if nobody buys them regardless of the sexuality of its characters

I mean I would have been totally fine! It didn’t need to be forty years later. It could have been a hundred or, hell, even sixty. Dude it can have been a millenia before these movies.

I guess you’re childhood was the part that appreciated solid story flow?

This has been my argument but no one seems to listen. I did expect a passing of the torch. I did expect pretty much everything Rob mentions here. We are not the audience, nor should we be at this point. But there is absolutely a way to tell this story without having it seem to trash the old characters and everything

What gets me is I agree, you can and SHOULD create a new story that is not intrinsically linked to the old one! Star Wars should be about way more than the Skywalkers and their friends.

They gave her character all the “Junior High School Theater Performance of Frozen” dialogue.

Wow. I would’ve felt really bad if she’d been sitting next to me after I saw the movie and heard the things I was saying.

“Rian Johnson Wasn’t Trying to Change Star Wars, He Was Just Trying to Make a Great Movie” — So what? Points for trying? Same as Poe, Finn, and Rose get for trying to save everyone, but instead screw up the escape and get most of the Resistance killed? Great effort, guys. At least you tried. What really matters is the

Nice strawman.

This encompasses the majority of my issues with the movie. As Kylo said, “kill your heroes”, which is pretty much exactly what the movie sets out to do. It’s an ambitious idea, and actually a really interesting one, given the necessary passing of the torch between generations and old/new fandoms, etc.

Outlier doesn’t disqualify the trend.

The idea of the Jedi as failures that need to fall, the notion of the Grey side, and the evolution of an egalitarian Force is a really cool idea that SHOULD be explored.

*worst thing

He should try construction, medicine or something, because great films don’t seem to be his area of expertise.

Sigh. Speaking for for all the angry man-babies (as we’ve been so colorfully called), it’s not about the fact he changed so much, or whether it felt like a Star Wars movie, or deconstructed them, or suprised us, or our so-called entitled expectations, it’s how he did it that pisses us off. See also: https://theconcours

She wasn’t. Her plan to keep her plan a secret backfired horrendously and led to the decimation of the Resistance.