Straw Man

Yep, if you’re talking character intro movies, it does not compare well to something like Iron Man or Batman Begins.

 Wonder Woman - it’s s one of the best superhero movies to date, period.

“Still, there’s no doubt The Last Jedi is one of the best genre films of the year”

And overthrowing the Emperor did what? 30 years later and they’re still at war, only the names have changed. I’d even argue they’re worse off because now the FO destroyed the Republic’s entire home star system and clearly no one comes to the aid of the Resistance.

Here’s my other problem with this decision: it makes the Skywalkers totally suck. For what everyone keeps referring to these 9 episodes as the “Skywalker Saga”, two of three end up turning flat-out evil and the one who was supposed to be the “good one” now ends up almost as bad. I’m not including Leia since she’s not

That was a physical homing beacon placed on the ship, as Vader said.

It TRIED to be both, but it didn’t succeed in that from my point of view.

You think positioning your body in a way that is relative to the actual surroundings is actually interacting with it? Do you also think that the people taking pictures at the Leaning Tower of Pisa are literally holding the building up?

I find the whole Luke trying to kill Ben in his sleep a travesty. That is not Luke Skywalker, the man who still saw the light in his father and turned him through compassion. I have no problem with Luke going into exile because he failed with Ben, but his failure should have come because he fucking showed compassion.

Just making Luke a grumpy guy, living alone, doesn’t make him ‘layered’, it just makes him a Yoda stand-in. And, how exactly was he ‘badass’? He did nothing to correct his mistakes & now he’s dead.

This whole new trilogy starts to feel like it should have been the fourth one. Like a trilogy with the rise and struggles of the New Republic, Han, and Leia raising Ben and Luke training him is missing right now.


You’re telling me that I’m supposed to believe that Luke would contemplate killing his nephew because he saw the darkness inside him. Didn’t kill Vader, wouldn’t kill the Emperor. But this son of my sis and friend, he’s got to go. I mean, I understand that Kylo has to feel betrayed, and Luke has to feel like he’s

Disagree wholeheartedly. I don’t have a problem with “passing the torch”, and I had no expectation of seeing Luke gallivanting around the cosmos and saving everyone. But there’s a huge difference between that and the way we see him here (and this goes for Han in TFA, too). More to the point and as I’ve mentioned

Ugh, the Force power creep is really frustrating given Luke’s whole lecture about what the Force isn’t...and then in the narrative it ends up being that and more. This is like gameplay and story segregation but in a movie.

If the bombs were magnetic, they would’ve just stayed inside the ship, because there was no propulsion pushing them down. Zero. It’s a cool effect, but makes no sense in terms of physics. They’re literally racked, then dropped, then they all fall in a pattern that is synonymous with moving objects being dropped in an

Not only is he not dead, but this movie showed us that all of the sudden force ghosts can interact with the physical environment as if they were physically present. So sure, why not be one with the force? Who needs to project themselves across the galaxy as a hologram (and use up a ton of energy to do so) when you can

this whole film felt like Rian had a beef with Star Wars. From the weird animals that kept showing up, to the dog/goat/horse pod race, to the very manic behaviors of Luke. The whole central point of the plot, which could have been averted with ONE conversation, was ridiculous.

The whole movie was mildly disappointing. Snoke was wasted, Luke was wasted, Canto Bight was wasted, Benecio Del Toro was wasted... the whole thing came off in such a distractingly unfocused way. Not that it didn’t have quite a lot to like in it. It did. It just felt flat. Like Rian Johnson wanted to fuck around SO

I think this article touches on my biggest problem with the movie. The movie is a commentary on Star Wars movies and not a Star Wars movie.