Straw Man

That picture of Natalie is hot and all... but if that’s supposed to be Zantanna then I’M Billy Batson.

I like them all except Zatana. It just...looks absolutely nothing like what the character is supposed to look like, or has ever really looked like.

Ew at that Zatanna concept. Yuck.

No, the punky Zatanna is absolutely awful because absolutely nothing about that costume design has a damn thing to do with anything about her character. She’s never been a punk or a rock chick. Her visual style is a sexed up version of a stage magician. Not a 14 year old who wandered into a Hot Topic with too much

Eh Phasma was definitely hyped up by the studio to be this epic badass character. It’s now clear that she only existed to sell toys.


All three of these actors deserved so much better than what they got from Johnson and Abrams. Serkis I can take or leave, especially when he lapsed into Gollum’s speech patterns. But all of them are essentially afterthoughts in these movies.

If only the movie, was as good as the paintings. Seriously, Germain should be put on leave, for his completely ridiculous TLJ review.

There is still good in the franchise.”

Agree with everything you say, down to the little-kid “woohoo”!

All IMO obviously, but I left the theater thinking it was no better than Rogue One and by the time I got home I thought it was as bad as a the prequels. I found it messy and felt extremely long. The most interesting character, Snoke, they kill off without ever answering anything about him and he’s replaced with

Although the acting, visuals and sound were excellent, I had a lot of issues story wise. Such as:

I am pretty sure I hated this movie. There were so many things in there that wasn’t Star Wars and didn’t feel like Star Wars. The Matrix Style slow motion ducking under the lightsaber, Luke brushing his shoulders off, the reach out and Luke ticking Rey with a leaf. The your mom joke. Leia’s Mary Poppins/Superman float

If Holdo had told Poe her plan, the whole middle third of the movie would have been unnecessary. Did she just not tell him cause he’s a hothead pilot? Where they worried about leaks?

I took away that he doesn’t like Star Wars because it’s not non-white enough for him and:

My favorite makes zero difference ... I’ll tell you what I do enjoy though; I like coming to I09 and reading about all the cool new stuff coming out, or the BtS info on movies and shows, or the articles about scientific progress.

OooOooh look at me. I’m soooo hip I can hate on something just because I don’t connect with the fans.

The Star Wars prequels are not exceptionally good movies, but they aren’t particularly awful, either.

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The Klingon scenes are unwatchable garbage. Did literally no one responsible for making this show watch even a single movie or episode that featured the Klingon language? The Klingons don’t just sound like they are not speaking the Klingon language, they don’t even sound like they are speaking a language.

I don’t care that it didn’t feel like Star Trek, it just wasn’t good. I gave up after six. Jason Isaacs’ Lorca was the only engaging character who had a personality (Tilly is annoying, Stammetts being constantly snipy with no other traits, and Saru, while fun from Doug Jones’ performance, wasn’t doing much). Burnham