Straw Man

So many things and people had to come together, its why its special. I can’t imagine Star Wars being as big a phenomenon if they hadn’t lucked into casting soon-to-be-superstar Harrison Ford, or if the music had been mediocre and forgettable instead of John Williams spectacular and iconic score.

More than anybody else, Ralph McQuarrie made Star Wars what it is. If anybody else had designed the movie, it’d be this obscure cult thing that TCM would run at 2 AM on weekends.

To me it depends on the premise. Turn him into another lovable rogue? No interest there.

A quick visit to the forums will show you ALL the reasons against her being a Skywalker that exist in canon thus far, and the least and easiest of those is that there are MASSIVE narrative hoops to jump through to get him to be her father that no normal author of a story would inflict on themselves to have

I feel like this theory has to reach HARD to explain all the evidence that he isn’t her father.

Make it so, Motherfucker!

The process of putting newly recorded dialogue into already filmed scenes is called Automated Dialogue Replacement (ADR)

I was too young to read comics in the 80s and earlier, but when I read collected editions from those eras, they don’t feel as foreign to me as the current X-universe does.

Am I wrong for hoping for a full reset on the X-men universe? or, in fact, all the Marvel Universe? start with new basic stories from a limited cast of characters. I think that would be much better than seeing characters on their n-th death and resurrection, or having a bunch of different versions of the same guy

Their writing teams really need to understand why they are failing. The reason is that unlike Marvel, their writers are not staying true to their characters. Clark Kent should be a mild-mannered dude who is somewhat naive and a tad goofy. Bruce Wayne should come across as a superficial playboy with a hidden intensity.

I think the problem is Warners. moving people in and out with each picture’s gross and not really understanding how to handle an extended universe.

Can someone who is much younger than I am - and likely younger than my son, too - simply explain to me how/why accusations and allegations have become grounds for this sort of vitriol? I’m not asking re. this case in particular, rather in terms of the subject/attitude/assumption as a whole. It honestly seems to me as

Yes because thumping the wife about a bit is perfectly acceptable because he was once a somewhat good actor decades ago. /s

The one thing that makes me think this isn’t a bad idea is that Tarantino has a lot of respect for what people think of as the established boundaries of a film genre. I don’t think he’d take Star Trek and make it Kill Bill in Space. I think he’d try to make the best Trek film he could, and that could be a really

Her centrality in this franchise was a huge mistake.

What’s interesting here is that these details are implying that rather than being a cosmic force that encounters Jean (as in various iterations of the comics canon), the Phoenix is something that’s always been inside Jean

It makes me think of that Farmers Insurance commercial.

It took a lot of scrolling to get to the first person who wasn’t gaslighting the author. Are we really that in love with stupid shit that we hand wave away privacy for not-really-that-useful gimmicks? Alexa is practically a marketing tool akin to those awful gas pump TVs.

This seems like common sense and I’m amazed that people think this is some kind of Luddite argument.