Straw Man

My pet theory about Rey isn’t really about Rey. It’s about JJ Abrams trying to pull a surprise on the audience at the cost of all narrative credibility. He’s done this throughout his career and I worry that he would pull something like this in Star Wars in an effort to outdo the “Luke, I am your father” moment in ESB.

Sensors indicate colorful metaphors ahead, Captain.

“Luke Skywalker has vanished. In his absence, the sinister FIRST ORDER has risen from the ashes of the Empire and will not rest until Skywalker, the last Jedi, has been destroyed.”

I suppose you’re not wrong but there are extremes. Barry Allen and Iris West of the TV show getting married is a culmination of a longstanding story; sisters getting into comas and on-again, off-again lovers randomly getting hitched is just poor storytelling.

I don’t think it will be F4nt4st4c-level bad, because I’m not sure anything can be. But I don’t think it will be good.

Does anybody actually care about this movie, or is this going to be Fant4stic levels of bad?

I’m going to take a wild stab at the plot.

After five movies you think that just NOW?

They are reallllllly reaching now.

Star Trek is at its best when it is delivering a morality play in the terms of our modern experience as a 45 minute episode that the common man can grasp while viewing it through the safe and comforting goggles of science fiction.

I love this mostly for exclusive sticking to the high-water marks of both franchises. No prequel crap or JJ storyboard vomit.

His cremation was kind of a big deal in season 1 though, do you remember Daenerys walking into the flames and not being hurt? 

But, then you’ve got to go to Applebee’s.

The Mind Stone is only on Earth because Thanos sent Loki here with it, FWIW. OTOH, the Tesseract *was* on Earth previously, but at least there’s a somewhat-plausible explanation for that in the history of Asgard-Earth contact.

I give that theory a vote of No Confidence.

So far, hands growing back hasn’t shown to be a force ability.

that lightning really messed up Samuel L’s voice.

i’d put this right between “Lando is the ‘other’ Yoda was referring to on Dagobah” and “Liam Neeson is a young Yoda” in terms of pre-release theories.

Why is it impossible she’s not related to Padme just because they look similar? Is Daisy Ridley related to Natalie Portman?

Good article, but I think it’s worth mentioning that the trailer can’t be trusted - Ragnarok did a really good job of covering up plot elements by changing little details.

“but it’s surprisingly light on giving us any pertinent information beyond what we already know”