Straw Man

I did notice that when you see Thanos with stones in the gauntlet, they don’t include the yellow one that Vision has, so I’m guess whatever happens in that scene gets interrupted before the deed is done.

Goddamn this would kill the DCEU if it wasn’t already dead.

There’s an obvious resolution to that that was covered in the comics something to the tune of 25 years ago. Absolute power isn’t exactly something that a non-divine being can handle flawlessly.

Unless Marvel used this to tout their diversity, I don’t see the problem. If I used a white guy pseudonym to write Arthurian fiction, would you get up in my face for not being white?

He (like everyone else on the planet) doesn’t owe you an apology. Try not to cry :)

You have written and entire article taking offense at an entirely imagined slight against the Japanese people. Are you Japanese? No, right? Do you have experience or understanding of Japanese culture? If so you are not giving the impression.

I preface this all with not reading a lick of anything from him.

Wait. He claimed to be Japanese, a minority, kept it a secret, and was published. I still don’t see how he can be branded a racist? Are you saying he took advantage of some affirmative action policy at Marvel to get published and that was racist because he took a job from a Japanese person that, God knows, has a

She’s far more trained in science than anyone her age could be and doesn’t have major character flaws, so I think it fits.

It would be very helpful for you to explain what innate magical connection and ownership of feudal Japanese culture that a modern Japanese has that an American who can read books does not.

are we caring about this?

Lots of people use a nom de plume.

Doesn’t really matter to me. I stopped buying Marvel Comics when they fridged Tony Stark to make way for the new Bendis Mary-Sue.

Wampa was HUNGRY (not EVIL)

Guess the gigantic iron door he used to crush the Rancor was just meant to stun it too. I mean the Rancor was just a hungry pet after all.

But Lucas wanted a scene that mimicked Beowulf tearing Grendel’s arm off. So we got what we got. Also: see Ben Kenobi in the Cantina.

What’s there to be angry about? DCEU’s a laughingstock, it’s essentially “DC B Team” at this point.

Angry how?  They don’t have anything to worry about until DCEU takes a few lessons on how to do things from DCCW.