Straw Man

BvS was cohesive?

Zach Snyder has made about 2½ DCEU movies. Man of Steel and Batman v Superman are all his. David Ayer is responsible for Suicide Squad, and Justice League is an uncomfortable mix of Snyder and Whedon. I don’t think that Whedon will be blamed for JL’s disappointments given his track record and the fact that he was

No, but he’s had a shitton of men come forward

Bryan Singer is gay. Doubt many women are going to accuse him of too much.

He cheated on his wife and lied about it, one of his several petty feuds was with a pregnant actress, and his writing occasionally delves into problematic tropes.

Yeah, Whedon probably isn’t a good long term idea for DCEU, but I have a feeling he saved Justice League from being a grim-dark mess people would have hated instead of going “that wasn’t bad”. The ship cannot be righted in one movie.

I think Ben wants out because they won’t let him run the project and he knows a bad script ends with a bad movie. He might change his tune, if they give him control. How they said no to him writing and directing a stand alone Batman movie, is beyond me.

I think that his point still stands. Everyone is blaming “studio interference” as the reason the movie was a mess, and while the studio DEFINITELY cant keep from meddling, a lot of the blame needs to rest on Snyder who, these days, seems to be unable to tell a tight story in a reasonable run time. I mean, it is not

Are you referring to the 2 hour mandated runtime?

I am not discounting the possibility that bad stories will come out. But nobody from Whedon’s series came out to verify his ex’s account and there has been no word about him in the recent flood of stories. He may be a bad husband but that is hardly unusual in TV and film. I hope that he does stay myself - the best

Even though Justice League: The Fellowship of the Box was a disjointed mess, I’d still prefer to see the DCEU shared universe in Joss Whedon’s hands, than back in Zack Snyder’s.

There’s no feathers on those dinosaurs because Jurassic Park didn’t make “dinosaurs” they made “what people think dinosaurs should look like”. It’s specifically stated in Jurassic World that they genetically engineered them to look like the not-scientifically-accurate dinosaurs of our childhood because that’s what

Because it makes a huge difference who’s acting the role, digital or not. You need a person who is capable of adopting new, distinct body languages at the drop of a hat, who can genuinely act, and who doesn’t mind being in an awkward mocap setup all day, every day. Serkis is the best in his chosen niche, and so he

I fall in the other camp. I know planet hopping and, as a result, making destiny-filled acquaintances is a big thing in Star Wars, but I’m so glad they’re not taking that direction with Lando. Meeting him by chance on a casino planet would have felt precious and fan-servicey. “I’m so glad we found the exact person we

It’s been a long time since The History Channel concerned itself with actual history.

What do you mean, “Roswell’s Project Blue Book”? Blue Book was a US Air Force investigation that ran from 1952-70. The so-called “Roswell incident” was just one of a spate of sightings in the wave of UFO hysteria following Kenneth Arnold’s 1947 sighting of “flying discs,” and was quickly debunked and forgotten about

You write, direct, and produce for your audience. If your audience is English-language, you generally do not want to spend over half the movie with actors speaking in another language.

Wait, do you want a Superman movie or Man of Steel 2?

There’s a wonderful opportunity to tell the Superman story. Now there is a fantastic chance to show Superman in his full colors and tell a very complex, character-driven movie that is based on story and have that wonderful sensation of hope and happiness. A feel-good movie with lessons laced in there as well.

Lord and Miller refused Disney’s request to change their directorial style