Straw Man

You realize that “the original vision” probably doesn’t exist right? Also I don’t think “give Zack Snyder a chance” is the best decision considering the fact that doing that TWICE is what made the DCEU such a botched project.

This entire enterprise had been mandated by WB.

This is like eating a mediocre chicken sandwich at a restaurant and then demanding you also be allowed to eat the beaks and feathers.

“one of the Mother Boxes temporarily woke up”

I was looking forward to someone in the movie saying ‘Boom Tube’ out loud.

If the very mention of our president offends you, maybe you need help.

“... if she has some significant hand in shortening the war.”

You can’t convince me that the second still from Rampage isn’t just taken from any other movie starring The Rock.

You honestly seem like a paid shill for WB at this point.

how many times are you going to pimp your own review?? I’m sure you are just a very excited fan...but i’ve seen you talk about your review 4 times in the past 3 articles, people are going to start thinking you are plant from DC...

Due to scheduling conflicts, The Orville’s first season has been reduced to twelve episodes instead of the completed thirteen. The extra episode will air next year as part of the show’s recently confirmed second season.

Watch these classic episodes so you can weep at the heights of heroics, humor, rich character development, hope, and emotions, which its cinematic successor will likely never reach.

Considering you’ve hated the fact they were even making a punisher series from the second you caught wind of it, the fact you didn’t rail against it while chucking your laptop out a window says volumes.


Can we change the header image? Henry Cavill has nothing to do with this, and by all accounts so far, isn’t a creep like Berganza. Neither is the Superman character.  

Voyager was a Battlestar Galactica ship-lost-in-space style show, The Next Generation is a science-ship-with-families that keeps running into danger show. Orville is clearly and intentionally based on the latter.

Anyone else notice how The Orville is getting no coverage on io9 at all anymore? We got reviews of all the early episodes, but now they only seem to care about Discovery. It’s a pity, there have been some good ones.

He’s just the actor currently fake-attached to it until the current iteration falls apart.

It saddened me to see so many people commenting in the other story that they don’t believe Takei’s accuser, even when they believe accusers in other cases.