Straw Man

That’s the thing, they didn’t copy Marvel. Instead of fleshing out characters in their own movies first, they forced out their own Avengers. I’m not a huge comic book fan so I have no idea what Aquaman, Flash, Cyborg are all about, outside the trailers anyway. And I didn’t know much about Ironman and Thor but I was

And who the fuck even wants a Cyborg movie?

Seriously, who is out there clamoring for a Cyborg movie?!

Again, there will never, ever be a Cyborg movie. I mean, they can’t even get a Flash movie off the ground.

Maybe I’m too much of a comic nerd, but I say just use Flashpoint to reboot anything that isn’t working. Changing the timeline means they can do new costumes, new casting, erasing mistakes of the previous films - anything they want.

I’m 30 kinds of disgusted by Kevin Spacey today, and for once it’s not because of his doughy physique on House of Cards. First, thanks for tangling up being gay with preying on young boys. Because no one has ever conflated those two before, making life hard for gay folks. Second, you’ve been in the glass closet for

“LGBT persons calling him out of this are being a bit disingenuous. ”


The problem isn’t that his statement alludes to the fact that he’s gay. The problem is that his coming out is the whole second paragraph and steals focus from his actions and the victim. It also feels like he’s trying to spin this as a positive moment in his life. “Hey guy! I’m finally coming out! Isn’t this great?”

No, the worst part of this is a 14 year old allegedly being abused and feeling powerless to stop it. The allegation needs to stay at the front and center. It’s not about politics or show business (whatever repercussions come), it’s the life of one person.

I am glad to see the Kevin Spacey follow up. This is a man who used to sue magazines for even suggesting that he was gay. Now he is using it as an excuse for pedophilia. All this “apology” is going to do is give Fox News and the other RWNJ a focal point for gays are bad/ librul Hollyweird/ distract from political

I feel like the floodgates are only just starting to open on all this stuff. Who knows who’ll be the next one? Corey Feldman is promising to finally name names.

Why the hell are people “liking” that? What does a “like” on a statement like that even mean? He doesn’t admit or deny the allegations and the only “apology” he offers is couched in one passive weasel of a sentence that stresses he supposedly remembers nothing. If you’re congratulating him for coming out as a gay man,

There’s been way more than smoke about him being, at the very least, an aggressively creepy closeted gay man for decades at this point.

Fucking finally. Everyone knows Spacey is a royal closet case (I say this as a gay man) and a royal creep. His widely rumored aggressive and sleazy behavior negates any expectation of privacy with regards to his personal life that he might otherwise be entitled to in my mind.

Pizzagate doesn’t sound that far fetched now, does it?

Again, I am in no way trying to justify peoples behavior. But i want to say this. PARENTS, stop letting your underage children attend these parties.

Now you’re making me think about how Brandon Routh got that role :/

First Kevin Spacey, then Bryan Singer

I’ve heard rumors about Spacey’s predatory behavior for years and have long wondered when it would get out in the open.

I was going to argue with him, but we both have moms named Leota.