Straw Man

I’m good with this. He’s 6'3" and can work with a trainer to add muscle mass. I think he’s got the right kind of humor to play a kid in a man’s body.

Levi can next be seen in Thor: Ragnarok, which we now assume will be his last Marvel film.

Filoni should have been given Ep 9 since he’s the only one at LFL who creates anything that actually feels like Star Wars.

Give that man one of the Stories to direct. Boba Fett. Knights of the Old Republic. Just give him a chance.

So... that line has been cut from the movie (I assume)?

Nobody believes Supes won’t show up at some point.

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Oh, and this is probably the greatest thing ever. Gave me a raging semi, in fact.

I kind of got a kick out of some recent news about the Wonder Woman retcon over in DC land. Yeah, yeah, it’s “just a retcon,” but it’s still a pretty big one. Maybe Zach Snyder wasn’t the right choice to lay the groundwork for the DCEU? heh Via Screerant.

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In Worf’s defense, no one ever did listen to him, especially when he made pretty sensible suggestions. :p

He’s identified as Olsen in the extended cut, and even the theatrical has him credited as such.

Really? The original Jimmy Olsen?

Almost as if a writer from Arrow asked himself: “I’ve wondered who’s better, Green Arrow or BATMAN?”

Nope. The biggest problem with ST:D is that it’s the Michael Burnham show.

It really annoyed me that Discovery has a Holodeck.

Being a prequel isn’t the biggest problem (although it’s in the top 3). I see the biggest problem lying with the sickeningly cavalier attitude the showrunners and writers are taking with established canon.

So it’s good enough to renew for a 2nd season, but not good enough to air on a platform that maximizes its audience? Got it.

Discovery is a TV show that has proved itself to be deeply flawed. It just doesn’t feel like Star Trek

Spoiler: After the Justice League fail to defeat Steppenwolf Lex Riddler saves the day by figuring out that Darkseid’s mom’s name is Maa’Tha.

More LexEisenberg?