Straw Man

The reason they haven’t put Avengers Tower in a Netflix series is because spending part of their effects budget on something not relevant to the story is a waste of money. I don’t know why anyone would ask such an obvious question, or why Love wouldn’t give the obvious answer.

Honestly, who cares? As long as the stories and characters are good, I couldn’t care less whether Avengers tower shows up on Netflix or ABC or whatever.

That you need to have your hand held and be told repeatedly that something matters is a you problem not a show problem. And the fact that you can write that last sentence without a hint of self-awareness would be hilarious if it was not kind of sad.

“Sabrina is an half-human, half-witch,empowered young woman just beginning her dark education as a sorceress”

So that seems to show that Congressperson is right, the color of the blade has no bearing on whether or not the wielder is ideologically good or evil.

It’s important to note that she also taught Gilly to read, later leading to her discovering Rhaegar and Lyanna’s secret marriage (even though Samwell totally ignored her at the time)

Cyborg was useful and interesting in the original Titans dinamic. He was placed in the new52 JL team for diversity, the team had 5 white men, 1 white woman and a green alien. They wanted to rock the establishment and now it’s 5 white men, 1 white woman and 1 black man, who is only 5-10% man, and 90-95% white painted

I would argue this point.

I’ve never found Cyborg to be that interesting anyway, but they found a way to make him worse. Still excited for the movie, but would rather have Martian Manhunter in that spot.


I can’t do anything about Hollywood not recognizing that making a really awful film and spending too much on it has nothing to do with the gender of the lead.

You know what? Cyborg still looks weird as a founding member of the Justice League to me. Like, I really dislike how the New52 just kind of shoved him into the position, made him far more emotionally distant and mechanical, and stripped him of his friends. It really makes him less interesting, to me. And, again to me,

Karl Urban champions a female Thor

I like the new, brighter, more superhero-compliant colour sense in those Justice League posters but MAN ALIVE the typography on that ‘You Can’t Save The World Alone’ tagline is hellaciously wrong.

They’ve upped the color saturation on all the recent promo art, clearly trying to sell us this idea that “Hey, look! We can be bright! And optimistic! And stuff!”

Man, all of the DC promo stuff I’ve seen just looks so... bad.

Hopefully not because Gotham is terrible

“In his eyes, no man is going to be good enough for his little baby girl.”

Should have been “One Rogue”