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You made a mistake, Enterprise gets so good by seasons 3-4.

“Hulu and Netflix at Broadband. Hulu of FiOS. FiOS under two moons. Netflix of Amazon. Amazon of crossed roads. At Broadband. Broadband, her sky gray.”

Isn’t the episode titled “The Nerds Care Not For The Streaming Service”?

IMO Star Trek should always be forward looking.

The problem with that is that CBS specifically said this series predates Kirk and takes place in the same universe. The look, feel and design of the show are nothing like what predates the original series. CBS would have been better off stating this is a reboot, or that it takes place in the future.  

This article has nothing to do with Ganner

That doesn’t look like Quinlan Vos.

Blind Jedi during the Rebellion, you say?


Do I trust you

It’s ironic (or perhaps not) that Wonder Woman was also the DC film that VERY closely followed Marvels formula of filmmaking. So much so that it’s biggest weakness is also Marvels; an unmemorable villain and a third act that devolves into a big CGI punchfest.

You mean the most comedic and thematically closest to the Marvel movies? I agree, WW was fantastic. Too bad the other 3 were mediocre to shit-show in level of quality.

So essentially they want to rake in the big bucks that Marvel is, while at the same time doing something different so that they’re not accused of following the Marvel model, with the advantage that that will allow them to do out-of-continuity, more auteur-focused movies.


Seriously bad, yes

The number of them saying makes me wonder if it’s just a talking point they were handed by Lucasfilm after the reaction to TFA.

Marvel is dying at the moment and is taking what’s left of the direct market distributors and indie publishers with it. Just be happy it wasn’t retconned that Sam Wilson was a Nazi all along.

Lots of fantasy things have completely undead dragons - skeletons even, and those fly with no problem.

I’ve played enough RPGs in my time, and main’d a Mage in Wrath of the Lich King so let me tell you the real answer. It’s both. It’s Frostfire. Has the properties of ice, but burns like fire.

Am I alone at hating almost everything about Murderverse Flash? Dark haired, scrawny, prism armored Barry just doesn’t do it for me. Maybe if they had said Wally West. Maybe.