Straw Man

E.T. had guns replaced with walkie talkies when it was re-released. it was dumb.

How is it not, though? She lost votes compared to the previous (and still very popular!) Democratic candidate. She lost to someone who lost votes compared to the previous Republican candidate. If she and what people saw as the future of the Democrats were popular, she would have won.

Thankfully, the Democratic establishment, of all things, may be rejecting this sort of racist pacification of racists.

Act like a Nazi, get treated like a Nazi? In my opinion, the only reason for an officer to hide his face this way is if he intends to break the law.

Don’t forget he was Ross Webster in the hilarious but terrible Superman 3.

Then you should go join the nearest neo Nazi chapter around you then, since you are so in love with their win today.

I really like Laurence Olivier’s attitude towards method acting, as reported by Dustin Hoffman...

Being “method” does not extend to being an asshole to one’s coworkers, regardless of the character being portrayed.

Distribution of child porn is illegal, and not even the FBI should be doing it. Once those pictures and videos are circulating they are not going to be rounded back up.

Trump represents a big government police state that lumps racial and ethnic groups together, talking about the culture of “us” versus “them.” He favors a massive government expansion to prevent people from living where they want to live and rounding up those on the wrong side of an arbitrary line. He also opposed

HamNo is very good at reducing large complex ideas into small digestible bites. It’s why I have a problem with so many of his posts. He makes a pronouncement and then has nothing to back it up; like his word is good enough. If he feels that way, his posts should be labeled opinion and not an article or journalism. An

I’m seeing a whole lot of this.

It’s because, rich or poor, lots of people just don’t like the Clintons, especially Hillary. This isn’t some kind of new development and it’s exactly why I didn’t vote for her in the primaries. Nominating someone who is already unpopular was a really bad choice.

See, that’s the problem. Reducing people to a label (even if it’s not true) is just the type of reasoning that leads people to vote for a strongman or a Messianic candidate. They feel cornered and misrepresented by the establishment, leading them to the fringes.

Florida has nearly 20 million people, of which almost 13 million are registered voters. 4,55 million Republicans, 4,88 million Democrats.

Interestingly, it was Bill Clinton who made it easier for big corporations to monoplize all of major media in ‘96.

Absolutely. Big corporations owning all of the major media outlets does not in any way help the American public.

Maybe your country just doesn’t understand journalism. Your news outlets have political views! Have you guys ever watched the BBC? News is for NEWS! Facts! Not opinions.. Cut the panels crap, just read the stories. Fox started your descent, and you guys just accepted it and started copying it in every form of

I totally agree that we need more diversity in media, and I totally agree that diversity should mean more than race and gender.

But I disagree about the misguidedness of ideological diversity. If you’re a news organization who wants to inform the entire electorate, your newsroom can’t be 100% left of the political

We need diversity in who owns the media outlets as well