Straw Man

then u my friend have a very poor imagination 

Yeah except for the fact her direct Superior said no and the superior of her superior (the admiral) also already said not to do anything stupid. Just because the Vulcans did it that way doesn’t mean that is how Starfleet wanted to do it. Also, the Vulcan who gave her that information (Sarek) also told her not to do it.

Agreed. The Klingon ships... what a clusterfuck. The Klingon ships of old, absolutely beautiful. Romulan ships of old, stunning. The Romulan warbirds in Nemesis. Excellent. Even the post-DS9 machines in ST:O are fantastic on almost every level. What the actual hell is going on here?

The reason they would put an F-22 or something that looks like it in a WWII movie is to “spice it all up” and make it compete more effectively with other movies/series. If you are going to watch STD, just forget canon, and all the twists and turns they tried to worm themselves in to keep what’s on screen is an actual

The one thing that kills design for most movies is the Taliban-like devotion to “visual complexity”.

Hey, fucking moron. You’re missing the point. Let’s see if you get it: MAYBE IF WE HAVE ADVANCED, WE CAN DO THE SHOW IN THE FAR FUTURE AND NOT IN A TIME WE HAVE ALREADY SEEN. It’s like putting an F-22 in a World War II movie made in 2017 because we’ve invented that plane since then. Why not make a movie set in 2017 if

It sounds as stupid as your defensiveness of it. “We’ve learned some things”? YES, as in it’s STUPID to set a new show 10 years before one that’s 50-years-old and make it look NOTHING like it. Why does this even need to be explained? Apparently we’ve NOT learned some things.

Dig deeper, and you’ll see a lot more not-so-great reviews from both audiences and critics. On the Rotten Tomatoes site, for example, while it does get an 88% from critics, it only got a 65% from the audience. And even among those critics, major outlets like The Hollywood Reporter, CNN, and The Daily Telegraph were

The tech threw me off. Badly. Wild JJ-esque bridge interfaces, but shiny backlit unbrellas for transporter pads? And what’s with the sepia-toned ships? In fact, I didn’t see a single attractive ship in that entire montage. Often overlooked is the Trekkie’s love affair with the machine herself. Enterprises 1701 Prime

They really really should have aired the “second episode” on CBS proper last night. From everything I have heard it was like the second half of the episode that most viewers needed. I’m finding it really hard to decide whether I should subscribe for this service when I didn’t even get to see the whole pilot (Episode 2

Your first point highlights what’s always been my biggest issue with this show. Why are they so afraid of post-DS9/VOY? There’s so much you can do with the threads left over from those shows.

Tuvok is less known because they don’t shoehorn him in everywhere. If Trek gave itself a chance to grow and evolve, maybe Tuvok would’ve been a bigger draw. Instead we get insane ships, alien races, and technology that’s nowhere NEAR what we saw on TOS. What the hell happens in ten years? A new dark age?

You can practically hear some knee-knocking halfwit exec saying “but if no one is connected to Kirk or Spock, how will people knows is about the Star Treks???”

If they switched Sarek for Tuvok and set the show in the far-off future after VOY/DS9/TNG series, the show would be better for it and they’d keep their “known Vulcan connection”- granted, Tuvok is less known, but does it really matter?

And the Klingons have cloaked ships long before acquiring them from the Romulans...

Why should the technology be *behind what we have today* (if you think of the weird mainframe computers and data discs they had in the original series)? It makes sense to adjust your prediction of the future as time progresses.

Would have been cool to set it after the Romulan supernova thing that kicked off the Kelvin-verse. I’m sure the destruction of Romulus would create a destabilizing event rife for storytelling. And there’d be a potential to bring back the occasional TNG/DS9/Voy alums for fan service cameos.

Apparently now that he has long distance telepathy, who needs phones, anyway.

Burnham’s communication with Sarek should not be instantaneous.

You can’t call it the rime Timeline and make it a random new universe. You call it star Trek and Prime Universe to appease the fans and then make it look like JJ’s wet dream to please the masses. It may be too difficult to incorporate the TOS visually, but then admit it. It’s another timeline. ST fans have been able