Straw Man

I mean, Chris Evans is PERFECT as Steve Rogers, but I never would have guessed it until I saw him in The First Avenger.

It’s surprising how well Marvel’s casting has gone.

I liked him? Maybe not in the capacity of him being Lex Luthor, but I thought it was a more interesting choice then most of the boring superhero film villain faire that we’ve had over the last few years.

Luke cage, Jessica Jones an Daredevil season 2 were just as bad as Iron Fist, but here on kinja if you speak ill of LC you are a racist, if you speak ill of JJ you hate women and if you speak ill of DD season 2 then you are a racist for not saying IF was worse because they didn’t cast an asian actor in the lead role.

It’s Iron Fist 2.0...

It really does feel like either io9, or just Beth, resent this show for existing at all, and that colors the response quite a bit.

I find the critiques of this show fascinating:

Wow, dude, chill your tits. I just meant the new names they have selected sounded a lot more like Vulcan names (T’Pol, T’Pring, T’Pau, T’Pel, T’Pan) than classic Klingon names (Worf, Kor, Duras, Lursa, Gowron, Martok, Koloth, Grilka), not necessarily the use of apostrophes - which I KNOW are used in Klingon. Also, the


Q said it best:

“which is why you DON’T make a prequel set during the TOS period...”

If you say so....

Production wise, it was extremely well done. They’d pump out new and unique alien and ship designs on a weekly basis.

I’m really hoping this is just a weird cult, like the ones we met in Voyager. The JJ Klingons were bad.

So - and I know this is a stretch - maybe they could create new “villains” as enemies?

Then create new enemies!

I mean, I’ll wait to pass judgment on Discovery until I’ve seen it, but it does seem like whether it’s movies or TV, new creators always feel the need to redesign aspects of a property to make it their own. I don’t mind the redesign of the First Order Stormtroopers, but it also wasn’t really necessary. If JJ Abrams

The Kelvin Timeline redesign and the terrible Discovery redesign and ridge explanation should go straight to Grethor.

Facts are of no interest to the editors and staff writers of the media company formerly known as Gawker.

I have also read that he was not for slavery, freed many of his slaves, and founded and taught at a school for free blacks. I read his anger was at the enemy, be it the white British hirelings or the blanks marines that he viewed as traitors. What are your thoughts on us?