Straw Man

Didn’t last night’s Arrow kind of give away who it was? How this little Fight Club twist is going on is a matter for debate, but it looked pretty clear by the end of the show.

I find it hard to believe how butt hurt all the Democrats are. You really only have yourself to blame. Over the past 8 years you got complacent. Everything was going your way, you only had one job. Go vote. But you didn’t uphold your end of the bargain. Hillary is devastated.

Of course it’s fucking real and happening. Quit acting so God damn dramatic. What did you think would happen? Trump would stay dormant after being elected and disappear into the night? No, it’s president-elect. Support him, or don’t. However, quit acting like a sobbing child.

If there were a female candidate who had similar credentials as Hillary who didn’t rig the primaries and didn’t have nearly as much of a controversial past, Trump wouldn’t be president.

This would be great, especially on Netflix.

The idea that 60M people voted for Trump because they’re “racists” is exactly the type of self-righteous thinking that lead to Clinton getting demolished. Trump won because the establishment has utterly failed the majority of this country - they voted for him despite his flaws, not because of them.

This should be the headline after every election. It doesn’t matter one bit who wins or loses.

No, fuck you. Bc of that, Donald won.

I get everyone is bummed and this Biden gif is funny, be he is literally shitting on 60M voters. The same thing that Hillary basically did to the largest voting block in the country. It doesn’t matter if you think some of them are horrible people, you NEED their vote. This is the perfect gif to explain the Dems defeat.

Don’t run a neocon disguised as a democrat and this shit wouldn’t happen.

This is the worst kind of argumentation. You see those Johnson voters? The ones that quadrupled Stein’s turnout in those states? They weren’t leaning Clinton. If anything, they siphoned off traditionally Republican-leaning voters. They weren’t disaffected Bernie Bros.

I think he did. If anything Johnson most likely helped make this closer for Hillary than it otherwise would’ve been. Trump won whether Gary Johnson existed or not.

I guess I don’t understand his platform that well, but I thought he took votes more from the Repubs than from Dems?

Singer, who directed four X-Men movies, will not be returning...

There’s thousands in prison for murder. Does this mean you’re a murderer, a racist, a pedo, a drug runner? Humanity seems to like bragging one second about the uniqueness of the species from one person to the next, and how we should all be judged by our own merits. Then a second later we’re trying to group as many

I’m sorry Nicole, but that’s some messed up logic, and in itself, a racist style mentality. Millions in this country, everyday fight for a better world no matter what race, creed, or color of those around them, giving all that they have for others. Now, because someone got voted in at a close margin that obviously a

So some people being racist in a country makes the whole country racist? Isn’t that the same thing as a few bad apples within an ethnicity makes all those people bad?

Looking at the close states, be sure to thank those that voted third party (the coward’s vote) for that.
I take issue with this, the primary third party votes when to Johnson, which undercut Trump’s own votes.

perhaps if the DNC had opted for a genuine middle ground candidate instead of a pair of old establishment

How do we lose?

Now playing

I really am having a hard time understanding WB and DC. They have over 75 years of stories to pull from and yet they hire people who have no clue what the characters are about. Why don’t they just get a intern to go thru the 75 plus years of stories and pull out a few of the really good ones and hire the best person