Straw Man

I say that sometimes (when appropriate). No one ever gets it.

IMO it’s really about Spock coming to terms with his human side. I always thought the title had a double meaning - the crew returning to Earth and Spock, after being reborn, figuring out who he is and where he belongs.

Well, when they were chasing Bucky, Cap couldn’t keep up and had to get in a car, so...

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Technically, she was a Padawan when she left. But the council was ready to make her a Jedi Knight, saying that what she had just been through had been her “trial.”

He doesn’t have to worry about sand. Or his mom. Or Obi-wan. Or a wife. Or a kid. He has one job - be badass Darth Vader.

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It was over before it began. The wizard won because he had the high ground.

Of course he gave it to Ultra Magnus. He was the only other semi-trailer truck.

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He was, but Prime had his own gun aimed at Megatron.

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I think I heard Nimoy say the same thing. Pretty sure it’s in this round table discussion. He also says, “Bill, you’re lying” about never having seen an episode of TNG. Good stuff.

Soul gem/stone could pop up in Black Panther. “In my culture, death is not the end.”

That pic is missing a stone/gem. Intentional?

And in the season 3 trailer, Kanan conveniently meets someone who is neither dark nor light (or both? or in the middle?).

It’s Star Trek. Because transporter malfunction. Because warp core thingamajig. Because holodeck. Because cloning. Because Guardian of Forever. Because wormhole. Because Q. Because tachyons. Because mind-meld. Because mirror universe. Because slingshot around the sun.

There was no body. Fine it’s a kids show. But they didn’t even show the final fight. If you’re going to kill a beloved character, you make sure everyone knows she’s dead. If it’s ambiguous, then she probably survived.