Straw Man

When she was introduced, my eyes could not have rolled harder. “Darth Vader gets paired up with a little girl? WTF?” Now she’s in my top 5 fave Star Wars characters.

I haven’t read a Star Wars book in many years. I will buy this as soon as it’s available.

It looks like a little dog in his hands.. It’s probably as big as a dire wolf.

If the 4th movie is time travel, it would seem that they’re following the original series movies.

Yeah the way it works in the movie is the best. But like Mark Hamill, while I was watching it I was waiting for Luke to appear. When the lightsaber dropped into the snow I thought “this is it!” When it landed in Rey’s hand I strangely wasn’t disappointed. It totally works.

Also, many in the Empire viewed the Death Star as practically indestructible. Why would it need special fighters, whose primary advantage is atmospheric combat?

At some point someone decided that since racist people used the term “oriental,” then that means it’s a racist term. Kinda like “colored people” is bad to say but “people of color” is fine. Even though they mean EXACTLY the same thing.

People are using words like “insulting” and “accountability.” It’s a show about a man with a barbed wire baseball bat and people being eaten by zombies.

That 4 1/2 minutes is better than anything in BvS. Or all of BvS. Everyone has clear goals and motivation. There’s tension. Ideas are explored from both sides.

In my mind, I could see it playing like a movie. Complete with Harrison Ford facial expressions and smirks.

Some makeup would be fine. But dude’s in a mask. Idris Elba would have made a great Klingon. Plenty of makeup, but you can still see his face.

Handle with care, it’s frageelie.

Yes. Thumb in is someone else.

What Pegg is really saying is he’s not confident they can create a new well-rounded character.

In NuTrek, Spock has a big case of the not-gays. That’s the entire point of his relationship with Uhura - to show that this smart, different, angsty dude, who is best buds with the horniest guy in the galaxy, is totally, no doubt about it, hetero.

It’s not unheard of to introduce a new crew member in a film. Half of the original series films did it- Decker, Saavik, Valeris.

I liked Sybok, but there was no reason for him to be Spock’s brother. Except for the lines: