Straw Man

It’s not that Batman shouldn’t kill. It’s ok if he does. It just has to come at a price. The movie needs to acknowledge it in some way and it needs to have repercussions. Machine gunning henchmen is dumb storytelling. It’s too easy. Also, guns? WTF Batfleck?

It’s better but it doesn’t really change the film. The story and plot make more sense. But there’s still a really weird Lex, a cave troll, MachinegunBatman and SuperSadFaceMan.

The sound effect for this needs to be in the movie.

The cast credits Patrick Stewart for getting the uniforms changed. I believe at one point, he refused to continue working.

I have no problem with him (or Superman) killing. But it has to be at great cost, last resort kinda thing. When Bats is rescuing Martha, KGBeast(?) says “I’ll kill her” while pointing a flamethrower at her head. Bats says” I believe you” and shoots KGBeast’s back pack with the fuel. Obviously killing KGBeast. But like

Also, the script likely has specific fat-kid jokes to tell.

That pic of the new alien chick on the captain’s chair reminds me of a different first officer...

Totally agree. Very few characters have arcs, and the ones that do, don’t feel earned. “I want to kill this guy, ‘cause 1% blahblahblah. Wait, his mom’s named Martha? Now we’re friends.”

They very purposely showed a midwife. That doesn’t happen by accident.

I really like cranky-ass Alfred. The guy is totally over Bruce’s bullshit, and let’s him know it every chance he gets.

The Mad King was Dany’s father and uncle.

*Bryan Cranston

There have been more than one ship named Defiant...

Yeah. It’s true that Apoc is the 3rd highest (worldwide) grossing X-men film. But domestic, it’s 7th (out of 9 total). And barely 7th. Foreign box office isn’t as important as domestic - studios get a smaller cut in almost all foreign markets. Also, in the past, foreign markets weren’t as developed, so comparing older

The Defiant was also NX.

I’m not saying it shouldn’t have any Star Wars music. But the opening fanfare is big and robust, signaling something grand. It really depends on what kind of movie Rogue One turns out to be. Is it an epic space opera? Or is it something smaller, more intimate? Maybe it starts out small and gradually builds,

Some episodes advance the characters. Some episodes advance the overall plot. Most do both. It’s worth watching all of them.