Straw Man

I always saw them as equals, but in different branches with completely different jobs and responsibilities. If it came down to it, Vader would outrank Tarkin since he’s a direct agent of the Emperor, whereas Tarkin seems to be some kind of military/political apparatchik. But the Death Star is his domain, and I doubt

This is the Vader we deserve.

Keep “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...” Maybe have some narration talking about what’s happened since Revenge of the Sith. But the crawl is unnecessary and doesn’t belong in this. I don’t even think it should open with the Star Wars fanfare.

The Dark Half is an autobiography. lol

There’s usually too much going on to be told in a single film. In the movie version of Hearts in Atlantis, no one plays hearts and none of it is set in Atlantis (it was the name a character gave to his college).

I’m curious how all of this will affect Star Trek Continues. Star Trek in the name. They’ve had actors from TOS. Episodes are close to an hour. They’ve specifically recreated scenes from TOS.

She should have put a bomb in his head.

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Must be. Spielberg didn’t even really want to do Indy 4 and had to be talked into it.

This is literally my only thought about the movie. IMO it’s the only thing that could validate it at all.

The premier will be 45 minutes of Enid(?) trying to get out of that closet Carl locked her in lol.

It’s a movie that makes you think its smart, but it’s actually dumb. Kinda like magic.

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He used the Matrix to stop the Hate Plague. But most importantly, they played the song again.

Peggy isn’t exactly a saint, either. Been a while since I’ve watched the First Avenger but, if I remember correctly, when Steve was still a little guy, Peggy paid him zero interest. But as soon as he stepped out of the super-soldier-maker-device-thing, you could see her get a lady boner.

In Civil War, Cap came down with a case of the not-gays.

It looks like it’s smiling. Even has dimples.

People enter Starfleet because they want to. “We work to better ourselves.” They want to explore, or do some scientific research, or they like phasers.