Straw Man

What if the first episode next year is 45 minutes of her trying to get out of the closet?

The LexCorp pic looks like the Science Spire.

Funny, but would have preferred the dinner party skit. Or maybe that’s a different show.

Please tell me this is someone’s April Fools’ Day prank.

Vader walking towards light and Ahsoka moving into darkness. What does it mean?!?! Probably nothing.

All of Enterprise (not just the finale) is a holodeck program being run by Riker, who has taken some creative liberties. Now it will make sense.

Imagine when he finds out a couple of those guys had mothers. Named Martha!

“I’m no executioner.” He literally says it.

Because he’s not a human being or a panther. He’s an alien.

Love how it syncs up with the new one. Awesome!

Hmm...not bad.

This list is invalid. Panthro is #1.

Or have Cable explain it off-screen and then fade-in to Deadpool who says “So let me get this straight. You’re from the future and the son of Scott Summers and Madelyn Pryor, who is a clone of Jean Gray and is Scott’s first wife who he abandoned after Jean cam back to life for the second time. *insert joke about

The Black Sky, as well as the big hole, are obviously part of a continuing storyline. We don’t need everything spelled out immediately.

I don’t really care about the Fantastic Four. But wrapped up in those rights are Galactus and the Silver Surfer. I’d love to see what the MCU could do with them.