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The scene is from the end of X-men. But it came true (kinda) in X2.

Is 100 episodes for syndication still a thing? Person of Interest is currently sitting at 90, with 13 more waiting to be aired.

True, but Shia wasn’t the problem with the movie. He was a symptom.

So no fencing on a moving vehicle getting tips from your mom? Guess this also means no swinging through the jungle with monkeys. What a let down.

But he’s wearing they hat aaaaaaaaand he’s got the whip.

I guess they gotta milk it while he’s still alive.

Maybe I’m wrong, but can’t you still just go to the movies if Screening Room’s price is too much. Or wait for Blu-ray/streaming? How is this any different than a delivery service for whatever product you want?

I agree. But even in the original movie where they were goofy, being ninjas was fairly important to them. Especially Leonardo. Donatello and Michelangelo not as much.

I love everything about the first half of the movie. After he becomes Cap, it’s mostly downhill and generic.

And yet, they look and feel very similar to the Transformers films. Must be a coincidence.

The turtles were huge. Like why bother being a ninja?

I’ll admit that I only vaguely remember watching it, but I recall thinking that they weren’t very ninja-like. And they were huge, like mini-Hulks. At one point they were throwing around storage containers.

Human actress must be playing human character. Nothing else is possible. #logic

I was still hoping for Beetlejuice Goes Hawaiian. Sounded intriguing.

there’s really no way to ever regulate out hammering someone inside if you’re pissed

That’s too bad. We know Supes won’t save them.

It’s possible (probable?) that Spider-man is less important to the plot and story than Vision and Hulk were.

Totally agree. Also, should have said it in the first Avengers when Thor asks him if he’s alright during the battle in New York.

I know. Who knew a comic book movie could be serious and fun?