Straw Man

Why does the black member of the team have to be the “dumb” one?

I remember after Revenge of the Sith was released, there was a scene in a book set like 30 or 40 years after the Battle of Yavin (ABY) where R2D2 mentions that he has recordings of the Anakin/Padme wedding and their final “argument” along with the beginning of the duel with Obi-wan. He then shows Luke these recordings

More from the Den of Geek article: “The one thing I can relate to you is that The Undiscovered Country—according to Bryan [Fuller]—is a real sort of taking off point, or touchstone for how I guess he’s thinking about the direction of the new show. I don’t want to be misquoted and I don’t want to misquote him, but he’s

The fact that a drone is needed to spot something before it eats me is all the reason I need to just hang out at the pool.

Sarah Shahi looks weird when she smiles. And by weird I mean like a normal human being but nothing like Shaw. It’s like if Shaw had a happy sister.

We need Mirror Universe Star Wars.

You’re right, they don’t compose ‘em like they used to. It definitely is a product of its time. I’m in no way defending it- it was generic. Even the prequels’ score wasn’t generic.

I think if it was any other composer working on any other film the soundtrack would be fine. But John Williams and Star Wars are held to a higher standard.

I never knew Grant Gustin did stand-up.

Deadpool probably has a more 80's-style score than X-men: Apocalypse which is actually set in the 80's.

I know Rey’s “vision contained a flashback but are flashbacks usually a thing in Star Wars? Typically Star Wars stories are told by moving forward. What the characters are doing/will do is what’s important.

Because one time, DC made a colorful (green) superhero flick and it bombed. Now everything has to have the look and tone of Nolan’s Batman.

This is literally the first thing I thought of while reading the story. Thank you.

What exactly did Maul do that’s so great? He got beat by a padawan aaaaaaand he had the high ground.

Now playing

Maybe without Star Wars, Lucas would have had more people telling him no. Maybe his movies would have been actual collaborations.

Smith Cloud = Nexus

So you’re saying Nicholson’s and Ledger’s Jokers aren’t psychopaths?

He had some more of Thor’s booze. #lightweight

Kylo Ren is Napoleon Dynamite. Everything makes sense now.