Straw Man

No,no. It’s this line:

Now playing

There’s also one of the trilogy as a whole.

A bloomin’ onion has 2000 calories and 150 grams of fat. Death blossom indeed.

He seems surprised that the company that paid him 4 billion dollars wanted to make movies that fans would enjoy vs prequels that we tolerated because that’s all there was.

Just in time for the 50th anniversary! Thanks a lot CBS.


IMO Kylo Ren is a poser and a wannabe. That’s why he wears the mask and talks through the mask. Because he’s not as menacing as he’d like to be. Rey even tells him he’s afraid.

I had that. It was way to delicate for 5-year old me.

There’s 4 billion reasons why he’s not entitled to whine.