
If charging more for memory to make a profit is greedy, then is selling the much more expensive hardware at a loss a noble act?

lol, Big Business McPhone Carrier.

Don't forget that Sony needs to make deals with publishers and those terms must include potent anti-piracy measures. No one but Sony executives know the "Why" behind this move, but I think the most obvious reasons are:

Isn't the point that you stripe your drives to get data faster and you have a fast bus that can actually make good use of it? A 4-6 drive raid could peak SATA3, couldn't it? I haven't done the theoretical figures.

That is brilliant. I am so expecting to see this and that recent IR+NightVision effect in a new military/political thriller or mad-bomber/ransom film.

Awesome. I was up all night discussing the cosmos and to see this today totally added more perspective.

This is exactly the way to go. I am so impressed. Kids would be too! It wont solve every social issue but it really helps in those early years.

Just to be sure, make sure it isn't using contractions...

I remember once we had a guy come to our house to setup cable and it all seemed to be going fine until he realized that all the coax in our house wasn't connected to anything. So he had to call in another guy and they both worked across the street, up the utility pole, and ran a new coax line from the cable box back

I was wondering the same thing. How big were the targets in their sights? I imagine they could be quite small and he could still manage the shots, but all the detail in where the shots hit and how the enemy reacted; is that from having a higher magnification, from them being really good at knowing what they're seeing,

For both cameras I've found the rolling shutter problem to disappear in many situations by setting the shutter speed appropriately for each shot. Of course, you have to match the proper shutter with the proper lighting, which is always a challenge.

Clue was awesome

I agree. The purpose of this device is clear: to use it while you're working out. You only need enough music for the length of your workout plus enough songs to mix it up each day. You have plenty of space to setup Monday-Friday workout mixes.

I agree; Sony had so much cool stuff. They made absolutely everything. I always thought of Sony as a cool hardware company, at least, until these last few years. It seems that there are way more competitors at or above them. I think that just comes from there being less and less "new" technologies coming out. We've

That sounds like it'll work. You keep introducing larger and larger predators until their size and numbers become manageable enough to be hunted down mercilessly by humans :D

As a musician/sound-guy I used minidisc devices to record audio in the field or a brainstorm for a new tune. Using Sony's little powered stereo mic results in amazingly clear, hiss free, three-dimensional sound. It was truly astounding. I still insist that my NetMD player/recorder had the best sound quality of any

I thought Arlo Guthrie resolved this years ago

I thought the point was that they get the new protein from the bacteria. As in, they kill the bacteria and then harvest their cells for protein. I imagine some left over meat protein is in there as well, but I gathered you were eating the bacteria and not the ABC meat, per se.

"We can't go out there and make them make you a cheeseburger the way you want it."

If you're looking for PSP games with stories, try Crisis Core, Kingdom Hearts, the GTA series, Ys I & II, and numerous other titles. Even the God of War games have a great narrative. If the NGP is backwards compatible, I'd say pick one up and play some of the PSP greats.