
@avclub-173af0430bc192b8a027af7cdba82cd7:disqus @avclub-a8cf86b7e95be74b1204e22a9aab9cd0:disqus @avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus : SPOILERS
She kills a random innocent in Mockingjay so that the rebel group she ended up leading can have an apartment to hide in when they're invading the Capitol. And then

I'm assuming it was played for a different kind of laugh: the "oh, how sweet" kind, rather than the "oh, how disturbing" kind.

Minor Nitpick…
There were three threats from WAY OF THE GUN. It's not so obviously bad that it's funny (like that perfect Steven Segal closer), and it certainly doesn't measure up to all the Scorcese, Coens, and Kubrick choices. And Ryan Phillippe's voice in that movie is just silly.

I disagree!
I liked the book. The book was good for people who didn't spend all their time reading blogs and behind-the-scenes articles and insider interviews a year ago. Now that it's all played out, it's nice to go back to 2004 move to present day in one chunk. Unlike most, however, I found all these

True Story
I made the imdb page for this movie.

Toby Keith…
is the personification of everything wrong with current country- smug self-righteousness and imagined cultural battles. Brooks represents what was was wrong with country in he 90s- overcomercicialization anda serious lack of personality.

One of those guys
who I assign a British accent to while reading.

Nirvana and Alice in Chains
I think for Cobain, widesread fame definitely turned out worse. Jury's out on Layne Staley.

You know, munching butts is a pretty underrated activity.

40 bucks for 12 episodes? That's just milking it.

A true Christmas miracle.

Yeah, a lot of people have pointed out the flaws of the movie but ended up giving it like 3 stars.

Levitt wa in tat, doing his best Ed Norton imperonation.

I haven't seen TGE, or one of her pornos, but why all the moralizing about the infuriating respect she got? "How dare that slut invade my precious film-related internet sites!"

It involved Glenn Beck, and you watched.

As someone who enjoys Dead Baby jokes, may I say those two posts made me want to vomit directly on their authors.

Christmas Overalls is much under-appreciated. Oh, to be Glenn Beck's wife! Justt think of all the free paranoid art history lectures!

Hm, someone would have been more accurate in predicting how many avclubbers would predict the Attack of the Fanboys.

Yes, with a B+ from Tobias, and clearly Nabin likes it as well.

I don' think I know what that word means anymore. Who's bing exploited?