
There should be more
multi-subject interviews. I know this shit is st up by publicists, so it's a recommendation for them really. It almost always seems to work better.

A month? Why did I type a month? I'm not even drunk.

Given my phrasing, I can understand your criticism, Realist. What I really mean is skip in its first run; renting it from the Red Box in a month is much more likely.

I'm depressed now, b/c most of the negative review came from eple who hated Dynamite, which is a favorite of mine. O'Neal seem to like Dynamte and hate this, much like Scott T. liked Juno but hated Jennifer's Body (w/ mostly good reason).

@Messy Jessi-

gave the only sub-50 score to this on metacritic. I read the review after watching, and found it to be note-perfect. Well done.

The audio version…
of Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs is pretty obnoxious. I don't like his voice.

Late 19th Cent. English fairy tales
are generally my favorite versions.