B. Holt

To answer your actual question, have you tried the HBO series Family Tree (mentioned in the article)? It’s a pretty good distillation of Guest’s style, except with an actual sympathetic straight man in the center, and they’re only half hour episodes so if you’re not feeling it after a few you haven’t lost too much

My roommate and I spent most of the 2011-12 school year co-oping a FUT squad. We were already at a bit of a disadvantage playing co-op, but we would have sworn to God back then that this kind of thing was happening every time our team (on which we spent hours and hours perfecting the chemistry) was run off the pitch

I think I’m fine with it. Celtics fans keep falling in love with the idea of moving a bunch of picks or players for a star, but nothing they could have done last night makes them as good as the Cavs. They already tied for the 3rd best record in the East, what’s the rush to get to second? The Nets pick should be pretty

I was with you until the unnecessary shot at Banjo Kazooie: Nuts n Bolts.. You should try actually playing it, it’s great. AND you can get it pretty easily for little money.

That was great but LFC should have had at least one pk in that half and probably have a legit grievance in a couple other instances. But definitely the one off the Sturridge pass... How is that not a handball?

As a Boston fan all I can say to Cubs’ fans is, sure, the fandom will stop taking it so seriously (both in good and bad ways) but the worst part will be a Jimmy Fallon movie.

Flaming Lips and it’s not even close. Wayne Coyne is the Marilyn Manson of indie rock in all the worst ways. Radiohead is awesome live. I saw Flaming Lips once and left after an hour of Wayne Coyne pretending to feed a baby doll attached to a tube from the ceiling to the tune of distorted nonsense.

I saw Titus Andronicus about a month ago. They opened the show by asking the crowd to, pretty much, not be idiots. After some meatheads in the front moshed anyway, the band moved the mics and played every guitar solo to the sides of the stage (the stage stuck out into the crowd). Since I was on the side and not a

As a Celtics fan and frequenter of this website, I can’t help but feel like this article is a trap.

I really really really desperately wanted to love Mania this year but dear God did that show suck. Either baffling decisions, boring action, or both. I’m far from an elitist about NXT/Indies vs. the main roster but that was just such a disappointing show. Good job to the women and the ic guys, though the wrong people

I’m disappointed in how much I laughed at that.

Now playing

Thanks but I’m pretty happy with my original comment.

To be fair, Shane doing a super fake ‘ elbow drop’ from a thing and through another thing a safe distance from his opponent is kinda his signature move.

“USC was messing with fire.” Yup, that’s exactly how that popular phrase goes, Reg.

Cena could AA Trump through a podium at the next debate and still be polling at 0% with internet nerds.

Huh, that’s how Sacramento fans feel about Seth Curry 3 attempts, too.

Scalabrine was convinced on the post game show that Thomas spotted him right before he started his drive. And if anyone knows about shooting open corner 3's...

Even though it really seems like only other McMahons are allowed to go over Steph, this is great.

Something something, three finger discount.

Just a Deflektor.