Benthic Explorer

Or when ObiWan is flying around an asteroid field in one of those prequels.

Yeah, that video sucks balls. I have no problem not seeing Before the Dawn on DVD, but I'd certainly buy it if it's released.

Agree completely, but then buried in her early stuff is Breathe, Army Dreamers, and some other great stuff.

Your cell phone to automobile connection has a CD player?

50 words knocks my wool socks off, but it's a pretty singular experience.

Depends on the era. Maybe you don't like Momentary Lapse of Reason, The Wall, or Atom Heart Mother, but I bet you can get behind Obscured By Clouds or Dark Side of the Moon. Same with her catalog. She's traversed a lot of eras. A lot of sounds.

I had to pause the first track to offer my observation: With the exception of Brian Eno, there's simply no one else with a footprint in music that stretches as far back who's been making such a powerful statement today. A lot of people hear Kate's name and go to that high pitched Wuthering Heights era. She's so much


Example's please. Preferably Youtube.

One World was Colton, right? If so, then fuck that season. I truly hate Survivor when there's a villain. I don't want to spend an hour watching a douche bag. If they go that route next season I'll stick to bingeing The Great British Bake Off.

^This one, for the win.

He appears to be holding a com-link to speak with Obi-Wan back on the ship because Jedi forgot how to telepathically communicate. That, or an epilady razor.*

Is that the one where Bronson teams up with a bunch of melon pickers to take on a corrupt agri-corporation like a bad episode of the A-Team? If that's the one, I got that DVD from Netflix back when it still cared about its DVD catalog.

I'm still pretty convinced that Bruce is closeted.

Aw man, spoiler!

My favorite Ignaty moment came when he casually implied that all his readers had a tacit understanding of Jean Möbius' body of work.

Boy A for the win. Bad title for a great movie. Garfield's been on my radar since Redford's Lions for Lambs. He was the only part of that flick that stood out.

Most likely a really shitty publicist's assistant. "JaguarPaw" genuinely makes me qurstion my own choice of Disqus user name.

I wish this weren't his final season before retirement.

Well, to be fair, it would be a fart garnished with shaved truffle and paired with a nice wine.