Benthic Explorer

Oh my god, my wife and I don't have a TV, we have a Create monitor—it's literally all my wife ever watches. Sounds like Jack Bishop is sharpening his knife for Kimble after all the times the host berated him on their tasting segment.

How fascinating and insightful. I have never read this comparison on the interwebs before.

Fundamentally, the guy knows story, editing, framing, and how to give an audience at least one "Get away from her you bitch" moment that makes audiences cheer. I'd say that puts him head and shoulders above damn near every writer-director still living.

I still maintain that if he were a Targaryan in the Martinverse Jon would have white hair. There's a reason Ned said "black of hair" enough to make it a drinking game in season one.

Trump is an ignoranus.

Clearly you wrote the Unibomber manifesto.

Listening Wind is such a great song it holds up even on the Peter Gabriel cover.

Jesus, I'm 8 minutes into the third episode and still laughing so hard I've got to pause it to take a piss. Where has my day gone?

She seems like someone who has simply embraced who she is. She's a total weirdo, but also likable. Coach and Philip appear to be people who's insane arrogance masks deep seated and well deserved insecurities.

Any asshole with a master's degree in social work can strap on a turban and start issuing fatwas about whom you can and whom you can't mail meat to, but it takes a man of real courage to turn a brunette without a cranium into a blonde.

I thought he and goop uncoupled.

If Eno's biography, On Some Faraway Beach, is to be believed, his wife and business manager books chooses all his gigs. Or maybe it was she whittles the offers down to just a few. Either way, the claim is he never knows how much he's making from the gig.

Honor your mistake as a hidden intention.

I totally forgot what happened to the green lightsaber. But yeah, after the scene in Force Awakens I thought to myself, this is one coincidence too many. And then about five more happened.

Well, to be fair, you were probably high as fuck.

Can someone, for god's sake, explain to me why she had Luke's lightsaber in a box even though he lost it, along with his hand, somewhere in Cloud City?

"Luke, join me."
"Why are you coming apart?"
—Cracked Magazine Empire Strikes Out parody

What school?

Wendy Pini would like a word with you. That word is "puckernuts."

God, that movie was great!