Benthic Explorer

Nope, though still released the same year (2000), twas Rocky and Bullwinkle that killed the acting beast.

Thanks for linking this!

I genuinely thought she was about to come out as trans too!

Hold on a minute. All Trump supporters aren't bigots? Then why the hell would they vote for him?

It was also interesting that a previous segment was all about how the players endure some serious PTSD after their other seasons. I don't think anyone will ever endure as much as Varner, and he did it all to himself.

This is a damn good point, but I will stick to my initial nasty comment about Varner. But you are right, I have no doubt that in similar circumstances, I'd end up looking like a total douchebag in front of millions.

Dang, I'm reading your comment but have no idea what you are talking about. Wish some of these comments came with footnotes.

Wait. Zeke? Forgettable?

I felt tremendously awful for Zeke at tribal right up until the second he opened his mouth, and then the awful turned to awe. He went from being one of the most insanely likable players ever to a god, right then and there. Absolutely fucking awesome. And as for pitchforks, there have been plenty of reprehensible moves

It's good to hear Jim Ward singing. Wished he was on board with the At-the-Drive-In revival, but I guess this will tide fans over until he gets back to work.

Herman Blume: What's the secret, Max?
Max Fischer: The secret?
Herman Blume: Yeah, you seem to have it pretty figured out.
Max Fischer: The secret, I don't know… I guess you've just gotta find something you love to do and then… do it for the rest of your life. For me, it's listening to nothing else ever except for the

When asked if he was ever disappointed he never wrote another book as great as Catch-22, Joseph Heller replied, "No. Not many others did, either."

Now who can argue with that? I think we're all indebted to Gabby Johnson for clearly stating what needed to be said. I'm particularly glad that these lovely children were here today to hear that speech. Not only was it authentic frontier gibberish, it expressed a courage little seen in this day and age.

What the fuck are you on about?

Seinfeld and Carrey died in 2016 too?!? Holy shit, that's it. I'm blowin' my brains out as soon as I type this!

I'm gonna clean up my act.

Was it over when the Nazis bombed Pearl Harbor?

Shit weasels? Here's a bathroom floor, covered with shit and blood, but I've dropped my toothpick on it. Hang on, let me grab that. God, Dream Catcher was bad. Almost as bad as Prometheus.

When being pursued by a crashing star-ship, never, ever run out of its way.

The first shot of this trailer goes from a Dutch angle to shaky cam and immediately dragged my enthusiasm for seeing this from somewhat to won't-even-pirate. For a minute, I assumed someone else directed it. Wasn't Ridley Scott once a master stylist? This looks like it was directed by Rob Cohen.